Another embarassing question: farts!

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Jan 22, 2011
Okay, so not really embarassing to me, but either I'm blind or it just doesn't come up much OR y'all are so used to it that it seems obvious to everyone but me...

... but...

... what's with the FARTS??

Or is this just me?! I swear, I can sit on the couch and yet rattle the hardwood floors... over and over... all night long. I wake the dog out of a dead sleep and I think I'm giving my boyfriend an insecurity complex (it's that whole perma-12-year-old-boy thing y'all have going on).

It's not that they're particularly, ah, floral... but I also don't get the big D like many do, so that may be why. But the VOLUME! God, I impress myself with it, but it's definitely been worst when I'm most flared. The worst is when I'm in class or around people... because holding these babies in HURTS. Yeesh.

Yay, farts?
Definitely a typical symptom, I'm sure some experience it to worse degrees. You could do several things to help curb this annoying symptom though. Are you lactose intolerant? Try avoiding dairy for awhile and see if you notice a change. Herbs like garlic, parsley, and ginger can also help your tummy with this. Pepperment tea is also good! Fennel tea has been used to cure flatulence as well. :)
I've never had any lactose issues... I come from a good ol' Midwestern family so I was raised on dairy and consume it with gusto and regularity. I suppose I could try, but frankly, the farts are far more tolerable than a life without cheese. (Yes, I know what this says about my priorities and/or social norms.)

Peppermint tea! Why didn't I think of that? LOVE that stuff.
Well you're in luck! If you find out that dairy does bother you, just continue to enjoy it with lactaid pills before a good ol' Midwestern meal. ;) Luck!
I get it quite bad as well, but i try and hide them, which is easier at work coz i can just say one of the kids has pooed lol!
Farting for me is one of those symptoms that gets worse through the day. So at work I can manage with letting a couple out in the toilets. After dinner is when I really let rip! Though it is getting better now.
I blame it on the dog. :) For some reason I can't bring myself to cross that line with my husband and admit to it.. LOL.. unless he calls me on it. :)
I just hate that when i'm flaring it almost feels like I have no control over the little ones, I smell them before I realize what has even happened!
Dairy gets me but I just can't give it up.
My family dr was feeling my belly the other day and says, you're stomach is so flat but it's nice and squishy, I guess you're just naturally.. uh.. airy inside.. like he didnt want to say gassy.. lol
I fart a good amount, but it's my belches that give my husband a complex! ;) Seriously though, I can make the windows rattle with my belches. I don't drink alcohol at all anymore, but when I did have one beer at the bar... I'd make the whole bar turn around and stare with a good ol' beer belch, to which my husband would shout, "Yeah! That's MY wife!" Maturity. We haz it.
My GF is in tears most of the time. I've had gas all the time. But since I had my last resection I also fart when I sleep and the bedrrom smells like a open cesspool. The only time she has relief is when I am in a flare and I have D. Otherwise even if I want to hold it in I can't anymore when I sleep it all comes out. When I have gas it's always lots and lots of them. poor family when we go on long car rides!!! My husband has been known to drive with his head out the window...I feel bad...but what the heck can I do?
I used to be the same with the farting but I have had to give up all dairy which has more or less stopped it but I used to feel awful about the smell.The anti depressants have really helped cause if I do let one go I dont care.If my family dont like it tough.Reading this has made me laugh,sorry cause I know its not funny really x
5 weeks post surgery with Hartmanns proceedure done and I would say I miss farting (without the company of the big D of course!) very much!!! My partner lets rip every morning and damned if I can fight back any more!!!

The only consolation I have is the threat to decorate him like a cake from my bag if he keeps it up!!!

It's the little things in life innit??
I tend not to trust farts and unless I'm absolutely certain that it's really just a fart, I usually let them rip on the toilet just to be safe. My farts tend to be mucusy sometimes so I am always nervous about farting when I'm not in the bathroom.
Having a bag, I can't control mine...but at least they don't Well, that's not true, they're contained, and filtered :) See, having a bag has its advantages! lol
Can we all just take a second and sincerely appreciate the fact that this conversation in no way makes us uncomfortable? Maybe that's unfortunate, but at least crohnies are down to earth. :p
I have not had surgery but I am sure its in my future...I just can't imagine not having an opening in my bum. I just has to be so strange of a feeling...I guess strange is better than husband doesn't care...he will fart anywhere...its hard at work in a meeting or can't keep going to the bathroom and then you pray if one escapes that it isn't helps when the dog is around!!! Poor Max. He gets blamed for everything!!!
Ice cream kills me. I have switched to Edy's frozen lemonade pops. Ohhh...I am addicted to them. Something about them...I can eat 3 in a sitting (not good):)
I am lucky that I am married to a man that can "hang with the big dogs". Even without the Crohn's, he is definitely a contender!
Mint tea does help me and so does Ginger tea.
Yup! Know the feeling well. After having half my small bowel and part of the large bowel resected, the amount of gas I produce is phenomenal! Where does it come from? Afternoons and evenings are the worst and I've just got to let it rip (unfortunately loudly) otherwise it's too uncomfortable. The neighbours must be in awe. I'm off wheat and limit dairy and starch. I've tried peppermint tea and chewing parsley sprigs - all with minimal success. Small meal sizes seems to help.
I fart a good amount, but it's my belches that give my husband a complex! ;) Seriously though, I can make the windows rattle with my belches. I don't drink alcohol at all anymore, but when I did have one beer at the bar... I'd make the whole bar turn around and stare with a good ol' beer belch, to which my husband would shout, "Yeah! That's MY wife!" Maturity. We haz it.

:rof: I have painful gas on occasion, but my it's my belches that win the awards! I have an obstruction so most of my air gets forced back up. It is a huge joke in the house about how momma can "out burp" any sailor, trucker or biker on earth. It's so embarrassing because they come out of nowhere, and they are so loud and long! If I drink carb. beverages it is worse (Boo - no more Coke), and I don't drink beer at all.

I don't work, so I don't have to worry about hiding from co-workers. My kids are 8 and 4, so they think it's pretty funny still.
Those frozen lemonade pops are addicting...for sure...I am glad I am not the only one that can eat 3 in a sitting. Especially after a flare if I feel dehydrated...have you tried the Pineapple ones? They are really good too...tangerine is ok for a change once in a while.
Yea, haha, what a conversation :) Since starting on this first flare, my farts have become uncontrollable and explosive! They seem to go on for ages. My theory is they build up behind the narrowed bit of my bowel, then when the pressure is enough, they escape!
Peppermint tea is good, but it gives me a headache.
lol I have farts...I used to be able to hold them back, then I started dating my fiance and it got a little harder to hols them back...then I started becoming symptomtic and then it's been a steady downhill ever since. Vincent has been very understanding, he either ignors them or(if it's a nasty one and I'm not running to the bathroom) he'll make a joke out of it. They've recently become more and I try to avoid letting loose in front of people
Back when I could fart normally, and I did it very well I might add....I'd shout "Salute to the Queen"!!

This was a regular occurance as I love mexican food. You'd think with all that honoring I'd have been knighted or something by now!!!

Now I just fart through I eat...every damn time. Puts a damper on going out to eat!

I wouldn't trust a fart as far as I could throw it!
I always do it on the toilet cos I always follow through!
I think it's pretty serious for me. I am getting engaged and I have mentioned bloating and bathroom trips. But what I am scared of the most is farting, whether it is just sometimes explosive or smelly.
I have no idea how to talk about it and worst how to live with it (This would be my first partner).
Any advice?

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