Another newbie from the UK

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 4, 2010
Hi everyone,

My name is Gail, I'm 44 and I live in Durham, UK. I was diagnosed with Crohn's a month ago after being ill on and off (mostly on) for almost three years. I've been trying to come to terms with the diagnosis and this forum is one of the things that has helped. I was absolutely terrified at the diagnosis of Crohn's and I feel like I've been crying for three years non-stop with the trauma of being so ill! But once I got the diagnosis and began to find out more, I think I'm coping better. You people on this forum have given me info, made me feel less alone and even made me smile through the tears. There is a lot of support here. I just plucked up the courage to join you and want to say hello and thanks.
Over the last three years, I was told I had everything from IBS to depression. I'm still really angry that people doubted my sanity. It's hard enough being physically ill without people - especially doctors - telling you that it could be in your mind.
It all started after a trip to Spain and what I thought was a bug but from which didn't recover. I lost two stone and have been in terrible pain at times. I had 2 CT scans, 2 colonoscopies, 2 gastroscopies, blood tests, stool tests and eventually a pill cam endoscopy which found the Crohn's in my small bowel. The consultant at the hospital put me on 25mgs Prednisolone three weeks ago and I felt well after four days for the first time in three years! It feels so wonderful to be well! Then, a week ago the moonface began to set in and, being rather vain, I'm not too keen on looking like a chipmunk - so cute, not! So I'm tapering it now. The last three days I halved a 5mg tablet so to take 22.5 mgs a day. I might cut down to 20mgs tomorrow.
The doc said he'd put me on Azathiaprine when the blood tests come back. I hope it works....but I'm also hoping I can learn a few things along the way that will help me keep some control over my disease...well, as much as I can anyway.
I'm still up and down with my emotions but I hope I can learn a lot and eventually support others in the same way through the forum.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story.


ps I called myself Hedgehog because I try to understand the world, the universe and everything....
pps Joan (Astra), hello! I'm a militant socialist well a Crohnie!
:welcome: to the forum Gail. Glad you found us too. There is a wealth of information here, and we do give support to everyone because it is so much help when we are feeling blue, sick, frustrated. Some waiting for a full diagnosis.

I too had a surgeon who was bascially saying it was all in my head. I too had many test, but took a year to find it. I had second opinions and 3rd ones. Can't say all doctors are the same because they are not and neither are we.

As for Pred, yes it helps but it is good for a temporary fix whilst it helps to let another drug kick in. The moon face will go away, and YES most of us women hate it. But when you are in pain vanity goes out the window.

We have all done the tears, laughter and heartaches...families, friends and spouses are a tremdous help but we know how you feel. Hope the AZA works for ya. Lots of people here to share their experiences! :ybiggrin:
Welcome Gail! Glad you finally got a DX and some relief from the pred. You will learn a lot on here about the pred - good AND bad!

Hope the AZA works out well for you!

- Amy
Hi Gail
and welcome fellow Brit!

Gail your story is a mirror image of mine! I was told I was mental, depressed, neurotic and prescribed anti depressants, it was the bloody quacks that made me depressed! No-one would listen to me, if you've read any of my threads, you'll know the shit I went thro (no puns) to get a dx!
Don't worry about the pred side effects, they are grim, but only temporary, I've tapered today to 10mg, and I'm gonna kick it's arse over the next 2 weeks! I've got the chipmunk cheeks and weight gain, but Pred saved my life 3 months ago and I avoided surgery cos of it. The insomnia was the worse bit, I think, so take your Pred very early, about 6am, and it should wear off around midnight!
Good luck with the Aza, I reacted badly with it, came out in hives!
Glad you found us Gail, lots of support, advice, belly laughs too!
Any questions, just fire away!
Great! a fellow millitant socialist, respect comrade!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Gail
Welcome to the forum. Hopefully the diagnosis will be a good thing, you can get the right treatment and start to feel better. I've always done ok on the azathioprine... hope you do too.
One more militant socialist is ok by me!
Welcome Gail....this place is great!! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Thanks for the lovely warm welcome guys! You are all so positive; it's an inspiration to me. It's getting a bit better every day and knowing I've got some fellow Crohnies to battle this crappy (!) disease makes me feel much stronger.
As for the chipmunk look, I thought today...well you know, some people pay a fortune for botox and cheek implants...and it could be worse, lol.

Jettalady - Thanks for kind words. Agree, docs are so different. I saw one consultant who pointed to his head and said I should eat more fibre but that it wouldn't fix my head!! What a pig! The doc I'm seeing now seems much more supportive, thank goodness!

Amy - good to meet you; thanks for your welcome!

Joan - Yes, I read some of your posts and our stories are so similar! Isn't it shite being alone in the world with your pain and discomfort and have people doubting you? I've wished I could take the symptoms and plant them into the doubters so they could see how they like it for a while!! Feel vindicated with the diagnosis and at times I have the urge to wear a T-shirt saying 'See, I told you I was ill'. Looking forward to swapping notes. Great that you got down to 10mgs of Pred - way to go girl!

AgentX20 - good to meet you; thanks for the welcome. Good to know Aza works for you.

Nyx - good to meet you; thanks for the welcome!

Hi Gail

I hear ya sister!
this forum has certainly changed my whole outlook of bein a Crohnie, quite literally saved my sanity, being off work for 3 months and having cabin fever, I have learned so much, and made good friends,
having a sense of humour helps, so you'll fit right in Gail!
Hey, Spike Milligan has got that on his headstone lol
glad you found us

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