Another Newbie

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Hey all!
I stumbled on this site last night and am very impressed with the amount of concern/caring etc etc shown by all- so I figured I would open up and introduce myself.

I have had GI 'issues' for the past 14 years, however, I would just suck it up and deal with it rather than go to the doctor. My family and friends got used to me sometimes being unable to participate in things I planned with them (concerts, dinners etc) due to the stomach problems. My Grandfather had Crohns and a colostomy...I guess I was afraid that if I went to the doctor I would find out that is what it was.

I had to relocate last November to a state I did not care for due to work. Next thing you know- February rolls around and I am pretty much unable to function due to all the symptoms (D, Pain, fatigue,a 33 lb weight loss in 3 weeks). Sooo- I sucked it up and went to the doctor. After all the blood work and 'scavenging' for samples, I was referred to the GI. Next up was a colonoscopy. Let me rephrase that: the colonscopy from HELL. The meds to sedate did not work so I was wide awake feeling everything and crying for them to stop or put me out. I went into shock. The drs. wanted to admit me but I signed myself out AMA (against med. advice). There was NO way I was going to remain under the care of those people when they could of prevented the whole situation from getting THAT out of hand.
I was dx with Crohns during the scope and I quickly took my records to another GI group in town.

I was started on pred, imuran and changed my diet. The new doc scheduled a small bowel follow through. This test went MUCH better than the scope- though I did have to drink more barium because it went through my system too quickly. Then we found out it affects my small bowel as well.

I finally seemed to get out of the flare and return to a more normal life.....until Memorial Day. I was doubled over in pain, vomiting, had a fever- so I called the doc who told me to get to ER ASAP. Turns out I had appendicits. While in the cat scan, the radiologist came over the speaker to ask 'when did I do a barium swallow'. Turns out, the barium from the follow through had hardened inside my appendix and sat there for 6 WEEKS festering. Needless to say, I am a happy woman to be without the appendix.

All seemed pretty well- I did take a transfer back to SC- I had had enough of being that far away and not at the top of my game health wise.

All was well until 3 or 4 weeks ago when I began having bloody bm's. I saw my doc here and was put back on Prednisone, plus cipro, flagyl, cortenema and vicodin. My blood work at the time showed low hemoglobin and 'high normal' WBC.

I was blood free for 5 days- and on Thanksgiving began bleeding again. (I am starting to think I am hexed on holidays :)

Fast forward to today, STILL having bleeding, abdominal pain, and off and on D, and beginning to feel really run down, and generally not looking too hot. I am TERRIFIED at the thought of having another scope done (since it is a new doc) that I don't want to go back to the doc for more treatment. I know this is an irrational fear, but I can't help it.

So, I guess you can call me- Really Stubborn Crohnie :)

So I guess that tells my story from the past 10 months. I will say that I have now have even more respect for my grandpa. As a kid, I just remember him running back and forth to the bathroom (pre-stoma). Never once did that man complain about any of the other symptoms he was probably having. I asked my mom and dad if they remember him ever complaining and they don't. Amazing. Unfortunately, he is no longer here to be my fellow crohnie/sounding board/advice giver.

Now that I have written what could be termed a small book I will stop typing:)
Thanks everyone for listening!!!!!!!!!! :)

Happy colons to all, and to all a good night!
Welcome Newbie Buckeye. :::cough:: go blue ::cough::::
Hopefully this site is helpful to you.
Thanks Kossy. Are you ready to get a laugh? I had to move to Michigan- was living in Ypsi when all this occurred. I had my appendix out at U of M- told the docs right before they put me out that I bleed 'scarlet and gray' :) And I am even still alive!

The Holidays usually get to me. Had both my ops around the Holidays. ackk

As for colonoscopy mmmmmmmmmmmmm you should have been pretty well out and have awakened in the recovery room no worse for wear. I'd be upset with those drs.
Aloha & welcome to the forum. Most of us had pretty long-winded stories to spill on our first visits. These conditions can be so different from person to person, so just saying "I have Crohns" or "I have IBD" doesn't really tell anyone where you are no or what path you've traveled. So, dont' worry about "too much" for a first post. It's how we get to know each other.

Hoep you'll be back soon & often. Lots of sharing and caring on, lots to be learned.
Ok, so I sucked it up and went to the doctor today. And- its pretty much the same meds as 3 weeks ago- pred, flagyl, cipro, and lomotil. No cortenema.....thank God.

Blood work today showed hemoglobin at 9. Had small fever (100.8) but rest of blood work looked ok. Doctor made a comment that I must feel like I have 'run out of gas' LOL. Funny in too many ways.

So I have taken the day off and am crawled into bed with my dog to spend the afternoon hopefully feeling better:)

Oh- and thank you for your welcomes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
:welcome: Hope you feel better soon :) Did they happen to check your iron? I was feeling the same way and it ended up I was severely anemic. Iron + a multi-vitamin has helped a lot for me. Take Care
Hello and welcome to the forum!
I'm sure when you're feeling better you will have lots of questions.
Come on in anytime and ask away...we're all in the same boat.

Again, Welcome.:)
Welcome to the forum. Anything you need us to help you out with or if you just want to talk you can come here. I wish you the best of luck. Also get another scope done but ask to be knocked out.

Good luck

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