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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 22, 2011
I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's late January of 2011 at age 30. I've had GI problems most of my life, and at one point in my early 20's, a doctor even told me it was in my head! My worst flare was last January that had me in the emergency room at 5am, not knowing what was wrong, but filled with this horrible feeling of dread, nausea, diarrhea, and pain.

My treating physician is an MD, but very much into holistic medicine too. So far he has been able to keep me off steroids and immunosuppresants. I'm currently taking Asacol 800mg, Mastica 2g (herbal), and a 100 Billion Unit Probiotic.

I believe stress has brought on the disease, as my home life with my in-laws is hell at best. My fiance is a rancher and the family all lives and works on one large piece of land. I am an RN, so my work is stressful, but less stressful than dealing with this family! :mad2: I was having some severe financial difficulties and then found out my employer was closing and I was losing my job in early January. It was enough to tip the scale in favor of Crohn's. Finally there was a reason for having C & D for a year and a half straight!

My current symptoms are D, sharp stabbing pains, nausea, fatigue, irritability, lack of appetite, bleeding, and bloat. I've lost 18lbs since January and I am currently 130lbs & 5'8". After my diagnosis we also did a 250-food allergy test and it appears that I have a sensitivity to most foods, with the exception of sugar, chocolate, and some shellfish. Oy.

My Crohn's has a few funky symptoms too... I know I have a D BM coming if I start to feel like I'm going to vomit. I will salivate just like I would before an emesis and everything. It goes away and I have the sudden rush to the restroom. It's the weirdest thing. And one other very funky symptom, which is highly embarrassing, is that twice, since January, out of nowhere I've felt like I was going to have an... um... orgasm, and suddenly I had to go. NOW! :redface: :redface: :redface: :redface: I've not even shared that with my fiance, but maybe I'm not alone???? My doctor says my nervous system is fried and is misfiring. (I cannot believe I shared that... but I did. :frown:)

I'm interested in learning a lot more about the disease!
Weird stuff going on with us, eh? I have some strange and nauseating tingles in my hips, lower abdomen, and thighs right before I need to run to the bathroom. Not the same feeling as an O, but still strange. I wonder how common that is...

Don't be embarrassed about talking about the things we go through. We have to throw embarrassment out the window if we ever want to love ourselves completely, right?! Otherwise, we're living life hiding underneath a rock.
Hi Riddles and welcome to the forum. Like you, I was diagnosed with CD in my 30s. I have had digestive problems and distress throughout most of my 20s. I was told several times that the pain was all in my head. Your symptoms sound frighteningly similar to mine. I get a lot of nausea with my CD. Ugh! This forum is filled with great information regarding Crohn's. There are also many wonderful, kind, and supportive members here. Welcome!
Hi and welcome! Stress is not a good thing for our Crohn's. Do you all live under one roof? If so, having your own place with your partner may be a good idea. You need a place where you can relax!

Due to your allergies, have you altered your diet at all? Has it helped?

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