Another newbie

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 5, 2012
another newbie

Hi all! Johnnysmommy pointed me in the direction of this board and I'm so glad she did! Our stories are somewhat similar with young kiddos on Remicade w/Crohn's, so it has been so nice to be able to chat with another Mom who 'gets it'.
My child is 4 and was diagnosed 2 years ago. We tried Azo, Entocort, Flagyl, and are now doing Remicade (which is kinda working, kinda not). Ugh.
My kiddo also has Down syndrome, so it is hard to explain to him what we are doing and why. It definitely complicates things!!
He is the sweetest little boy you have ever met and I am just so sad he has to go through this. I also have CD, so I know exactly how he is feeling. So hard. :(
Anyways, so glad to find this board! It is always nice to find more brains to pick and shoulders to lean on. :)
Just stopping by to say hi. I am new to the board and diagnosis. Our 8, almost 9, year old daughter just got diagnosed in February. Just did a quick pick at your blog. UBER adorable kiddos and those rainbow cakes look amazing!
Hey, welcome :rosette2:
Holy cow, ANOTHER tiny of you guys should maybe start a thread for Mothers with kids under age six, it's even more of a heart pain when I read of the littlest ones.

Nice to "meet" you. Lots of smart parents on here and much support.
Hi Angel and welcome ! :)

Wow you've certainly got your hands full, but you seem to be handling it like a pro!
You will certainly be a nice addition to the forum as I sure you have a wealth of knowledge just in dealing with your own Crohns.
You're children are just beautiful!
Hi Angel,

Welcome to the group... Beautiful clan you have there - love your blog! Don't know how folks do it - I've considered starting one on numerous occasions, but am certain I could never keep up so cudos to you!

I'm going to give the rainbow cake a shot - looks like fun!
Awwww, thanks guys! Nice to 'meet' you all too! :) This board will be immensely helpful I am sure. My blog is a great sounding board but I rarely connect with people who actually know what the day-in day-out life of dealing with a kid with Crohn's is like. (although I have met a few Moms through my blog too, which is awesome. :)) I look forward to chatting with you all! :)
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Hi Angel and :welcome:

I'm so glad you found your way here and we are glad to have you here! :)

You have a fab brood of kiddos there and gorgeous to boot! I bet you are so very proud of them and rightly so! :hug:

I'm so sorry to hear that your little guy has Crohn's but he is so lucky to have a Mum like you Angel.

How long has he been on Remicade?

How are you going with your CD?

Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Welcome Angel!! They're all beautiful kids!! I hope the remi gets him that long deserved remission!

Ha,ha...guilt free bed crumbs:) No clean-up necessary!!
Coop has been on Remicade about 6 months. We are down to every 4 weeks (keep having to up the dose and shorten time between). I just want it to work already!!

My CD isn't great. In fact, I start Humira tomorrow. I swear there should be a family discount on these drugs. ;)

Yep, pretty darn proud of my kiddos, and I think they're super cute too. ;)

Thanks for the messages!
Welcome to the forum! You've got beautiful kids! And loved your blog!

As you've already seen, lots of wonderfully helpful and supportive parents and members here! It certainly does help to talk to others who truly understand! :ghug:

Hope your little one starts to see improvement soon! And, you too!!