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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 7, 2012

My name's Jon, I'm a 46 year old Jewish SWM. FYI, I only mentioned my religion because I have read reports that stated Ashkenazi Jews are susceptible to Crohn's Disease

I was initially diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in May of 2008 (I was 42 at the time). This was after I began having frequent awful belly aches and very bloody bowel movements while in Dallas for a 2 week work training course. I hadn't taken the best care of myself up that point in my life, and I figured I had colon cancer. So once I was back local, I saw a Gastroenterologist, wound up getting scoped; and they found 2 small ulcers in my ileum/lower intestine, and I was informed it is Crohn's Disease.

I was told my case is minor, and I do consider myself lucky in that respect; I would suspect most of you have it way worse than me. Still, when it flares I am pretty miserable.

So, since I was diagnosed I have given up cigarettes 3 plus years ago - I smoked a pack or two a day (depending on how much I was drinking) for 27 years. I also quit drinking liquor about 15 months ago; and 19 months ago ago I gave up fast food, most fried foods, and drastically cut back my red meat intake.

Medication: I have been taking Pentasa, and it was mostly working, I thought... Side effects were some heartburn, and some occasional diarrhea; and I believe it caused some usually dormant hemorrhoids to have serious flares. I noticed it as soon as I started taking it, as far as the solidity/shape of my stools in the toilet. My Doctor said that he hasn't seen Pentasa cause hemorrhoids, so I dunno... I have had to get some hemorrhoid treatments too, but that is a whole other thread.

Anyway, I had a 2nd follow up scope a couple months ago, and it was determined that the Pentasa isn't working, one of the ulcers is still bleeding and looking pretty gnarly, that is my description not the Doc's ;-)

So I quit taking the Pentasa and began taking an immunosuppressive drug, Azathioprine, along with weekly blood tests to monitor everything... I was feeling pretty good, wasn't having any hemorrhoid issues. 2 & 1/2 weeks later my Doc called me and said to stop taking it, because it was elevating my liver numbers, which are already slightly high due to my past self-induced liver abuse. Now I am back on the Pentasa, temporarily, 3 big blue horse pills twice a day; the hemorrhoids came back too :-|

Tomorrow morning I have another Doctor's appointment, to discuss other medication options. When we spoke on the phone he told me not to worry; but honestly, at this point the Hemorrhoids are worse than the Crohn's as far as pain/comfort goes. Ultimately, I am hoping whatever I begin taking stabilizes my blood work numbers, and also helps me get the hemorrhoids back under control.

That is my story, thanks for reading, wish me luck!
Hi Jon,

How did your Doctors appointment go, did he come up with a new treatment plan?


The plan is Humira, bi-weekly injections. I'm waiting for my insurance company to confirm I'm covered. I'll report back once I've been on it for a bit.

Cheers, Jon
Hi Jon and welcome to the community.

We have a forum dedicated to Humira if you're interested in connecting with others who are on it.

With ileal disease like you have, have they ever tested your vitamin B12 levels? That's where it's absorbed. In addition, people with Crohn's are commonly deficient in vitamin D. Have you had that tested?

In addition, since you have liver problems, I suggest you give our wiki entry on Choline a read.

Again, welcome :)

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