Another symptom ???

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 2, 2014
Hi there,

I was just wondering of someone could shed some light for me. I have Crohns disease (uncontrolled ATM), and the last few days I have been suffering from pain in my back when I eat. I can feel the food travel and have pain which i have never felt before. Is this another symptom from Crohns or is it unrelated ?:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
HI there,

I am on 6mp and Loperamide at the moment as well as dithopin (4 depression), my BM's are still uncontrolled. Still going up to 6 times a day and I have fistulas and abscess tracks so severe the surgeon could not do the Seton Procedure.....
Where are you experiencing pain? :( And I'm sorry to hear that you couldn't have setons put in... I'm sure that your uncontrolled BMs are probably making your fistulas hurt more as well.

Are you able to consider going on a biologic? I know that immunosuppressants like 6mp are the way to go at first, but Remicade and Humira are also really helpful for fistulas/abscesses, and may help your BMs get under control as well. If not, it sounds like it may be a good idea to go on prednisone/entocort for awhile.
I am back up to the specialist on wednesday and am close to begging for a bag,,,,,I am so over being in pain 90% of the time, i have no life, cant work, dont leave the house for more than an hour.....

The pain is in my back between the shoulder blades then it travels down,,,,It doesnt matter whether the food is cold or warm I can feel it travel, a rather strange sensation...
Before I was diagnosed, I had the same symptom, extreme back aches. They only went away once my Crohn's was controlled for the first time. Now I have lower back pain all the time from Crohn's related arthritis, but it is different from the back aches I had before, which are like yours, from the upper back (between the shoulder blades) to the lower back. Hopefully, once your Crohn's gets under control, they'll go away.