Well, I may be crazy (OK, so there's no maybe about it) but after looking at the 'LDN' thread, and checking the links on it as a possible treatment, I broached the idea with my GI. She hasn't (of yet) given a definite yes, neither has she given a definite no. I think that, for those of us who have looked into it and are fairly comfortable with the idea, we should run it by our dr's whenever we get the opportunity. It's not for everyone, but if you are looking at limited options, and are not crazy about current alternatives, then this groundbreaking effort MIGHT be the leading edge of the 'next' therapy of choice. Like, it wouldn't hurt to raise it, and you never know, your doctor might be one of the groundbreakers who opt to try it... As I'm personally hoping mine will be. better still, it sooo crazy, it just may work. wouldn't that be a hoot, bringing the treatment that got a remission to the doctor. But, again, it's not for everyone. We each have to chart our own course...