Ant's Update (surgery)

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Oh Kelly, I'm so sorry to to hear about Max. It is hard enough when these things happen when things are going well but when Ant is in hospital it is just heartbreaking. We went through a similar thing when Roo was in hospital, her cat was bitten by a tiger snake and he died, you just feel can anything else go wrong and how unfair everything is and it is! But you are there with him Kelly and as hard as it is for him right now having a Mum like you by his side is the best medicine ever. Play it by ear with the ferrets and you will know soon enough how he feels about getting another one or not. The kids that have to go through what our kids do are tough and resilient and I think continue to surprise us in so many ways at their ability to rise above adversity. Sending truck loads of hugs and healing thoughts to you and Ant......................


And talk about parallel lives at present! Matt is basically in the same boat as Ant. The docs have just been in and his IV is coming down today, a couple of days on oral antibiotics and if his bloods behave themselves then we will finally be discharged. This is Matt's last chance to bring the flare under control. If it doesn't work they will operate in a couple of weeks - not desirable but if it stays under control then an op in a couple months.

I so hope the antibiotics work for Ant and the surgery can be done under better conditions, keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!!

Good luck and lots of love,
I know you were on this thread. My son had a reaction to remicade... 3 days later they slowed it down and he still had one. I noticed you were on humira. they are going to try that next as long as insurance approves it. Did you have an allergy reaction to remicade but then was ok on humira? I go in waves of nervous calm..its got to be ok. I'm lucky that for the most part my son is feeling much better. I don't know now if it was the first 2 doses of remicade or the flagyl he's on right now. I want someone to tell me its all going to be ok!
Hi DustyKat,

Thank you re: Max. I know you can relate - it is bad enough having a child in the hospital, but then to have to give them such bad news is heartbreaking. He is very sad, but yesterday we were able to look through some pictures and share some stories about him without tears. I am trying to focus on all the good times we had with him.

So ironic that we are (were) at the same point! How is Matt now? Is he on the oral, doing okay? I hope and pray that he is and they are working for him! Please let me know!

Anthony got a fever the morning they were going to remove him from IV so that plan has been scrapped. Today, he had more pain and vomiting. He is not improving. The plan is to take some more images on Friday, possibly get interventional radiology involved to see if they can drain anything, and if no improvement, discuss surgery on Monday. I got the bad news last night that they feel if they cannot get this inflammation under control and proceed with surgery, he will have a temporary ostomy. This is why they have been prolonging the antibiotics, really trying to get his inflammation down before surgery. Now, I am completely depressed about that. It seems like one bad thing after another.

Today, another snow storm, have to pick twins up from school early and find somewhere for them to stay overnight for a day or two in the event the snow is bad.

Oh, and Anthony is getting a roommate. He has had the room to himself all this time, but I guess they need to use the space now. It is going to be extremely awkward basically living and sharing a bathroom with strangers. Sigh.

No procedures scheduled today. I wish I could have just ONE day with something positive to post.
Kelly - I just want to wish you and Anthony the best of luck. I hope he gets better soon and can avoid surgery!
Thank you Joe! Doesn't look like that is happening, BUT at least we are at Mt. Sinai (which I believe you suggested to me some time ago!)

Interventional Radiology said no ... won't drain him. The nurse just told me tonight they are starting his prep for colonoscopy tomorrow, which is news to me. Will see what dr says later.
Argh Kelly a stoma! That's what Matt was told as well, If they have to operate sooner rather than later then a temporary stoma can't be ruled out. I understand why but it still sucks!!! Matt is okay with the drain hanging out of him for a few weeks but the stoma is a whole other kettle of fish.

He started the orals yesterday and is still going fine but early days yet. To be honest if things are going to go haywire I don't think it will happen before tomorrow, maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part!, so we may actually get out of here. Matt is being realistic about things but in a way it's sad because now he doesn't get his hopes up about anything, if you know what I mean. I really want to believe that he will get home and everything will be fine until his op in a couple months but I'm not so sure this is going to happen.

I am hoping and praying so hard for Ant that he can avoid the op now. Thinking of you guys and knowing exactly what you are going through.

Lots of love,
Dusty xxxxx
Ah Kelly! Poor Ant! What are they hoping to see with a colonoscopy? I really hope they get this figured out and get Ant stable very soon. You are so strong to be able to be there for Ant and make all these tough decisions. I know that it seems endless, but hang in there. That's almost funny "hang in there", what other choice do we have? Dusty, I am so happy to hear that Matt is doing better. Are they saying surgery for sure in a couple months? They have said the same thing about Lucas and surgery, but he is doing so well right now and we are, so far, having no problem with his wean from pred. He has been back in school for a week now, and is a little tired but otherwise good. I hate this living in limbo! Hugs and prayers to both of you and "hang in there" lol

Kelly - I'm assuming they are just hoping for a better view into what's going on in there, right????? Love your hearts. I know this has been quite a journey!!! Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thinking of you all.......
Super quick update -

Colonoscopy this morning, CT scan this afternoon, surgery Monday to remove the stricture (UNLESS they can drain something this afternoon, which then surgery would be pushed out to see how the draining affects the inflammation). Surgeon said it is a 1 in 500 chance of having the bag with his surgery, which is fantastic odds compared to what I was initially told. The surgeon is a specialist at Mt. Sinai who does ONLY crohns surgeries, so I feel really confident and lucky to have Anthony there.

Anthony is happy ... surgeon told him "chicks dig scars" and that he could eat at the Chinese buffet in a few weeks. :rolleyes:

Sorry I didn't post yesterday - I ended up with a stomach bug Wednesday night - Thursday night! Ugh, I don't need to go into details. It was terrible. I guess lack of sleep, maybe I caught it at the hospital?? No idea. At least today I am sipping coffee.
Thanks for the update. I love that plan. And you tell Ant that one of our support group friends was 18. He would drop in occasionally to check on the group where he came from and was great with kids. He'd had the surgery and he did tell me once with a lopsided grin that his scar ALWAYS gave him "something to talk about with girls at pool parties". I SWEAR he said just that!

I am happy for you that there is a plan and it is in motion. One step closer to feeling better and being HOME! Hang in.


Wow Kelly, the surgeons went from 0-60 in no time!! Monday!!! I know you'll be a bundle of nerves and emotions all weekend but Ant is gonna come out the other side doing the best:)!! Don't be so excited you forget to let us know!
That is too funny Julie! I will let him know! :D

Mark - I guess it seems quick, but since dealing with the same stricture since September with no improvement (and especially with a couple weeks in the hospital!) I think we are ready for this! Of course we are nervous, but mostly happy to put this behind us. I am just praying he is one of the ones who feels fantastic after surgery and (hopefully!) has years of remission afterwards!

So, we are definitely all set for Monday!!!

Anthony hasn't really been eating all week. Two of the days he was on clear liquids, but the other days he was able to eat he wouldn't. He has a lot of nausea still and the entire week he has eaten three plain bagels. They are switching his fluids to the PPO (?) IV with more nutrients in it since he isn't eating and they want to get his albumin up before surgery as it helps with healing. (I *think* this is what I understood from the dr this morning) Although tomorrow he will be back on clears for surgery. He is really tired and sleeps a lot.

I can't help but feel there is a light at the tunnel ... :)
Just read this whole thread. Being a parent too, I can not imagine the struggles you all are going through. I always say...give me what ever you want...but not my kids...Special hugs and prayers to you all! There are people here who are sending you prayers (if thats okay!) and hugs your ways. Peace, Sue
Nah Kelly, I just meant the other day the surgeons were the ones holding this up and the GI was ready to take the next step. Anyway, I'm glad things are going to get better for Ant very soon!!
So mama Kelly - are you going to be able to get some rest before Monday??? Try!!!

Hugs, Prayers and all that to you all from us. :):thumleft:
Mark, yup you are right ... I forgot about that! They have definitely quickly switched gears.

Thanks guys. Tonight we are hanging out at the hospital ... rented some movies. Tomorrow is prep!

I did want to share that this afternoon I met another parent here at the hospital who is living at a nearby 'transplant house' while his daughter is here awaiting a heart. They expect it to be about a 6 month wait, her father hasn't left for two months and his home is a farm 300 miles away. Hearing his story, I didn't know what to say and was blinking back tears. I am adding her and her family to my prayers ... it made me realize how lucky Ant is, actually. While I would never wish for any illness to anyone, it could always be worse. He and his daughter absolutely amazed me with their strength.

Hey Kelly,

Definite answers at last! Woohoo! Haha I thought Roo would be really self conscious about her scar, being a teenage girl, but she refused any attempts to reduce it's appearance, she said it was her badge of honour for all she had been through!

I have to admit that when Matt was diagnosed I thought well hopefully he can avoid surgery for a very long time. I was also under the impression that since we had such a quick diagnosis we would get it under control fast. Now that it has lingered and he has had so much time in hospital I often wonder if surgery wouldn't have been better. I know that isn't the ideal outcome and I guess I am approaching it from Roo's perspective. Undiagnosed for 18 months and in a right mess......emergency surgery, immediate remission and now in remission for 4 & 1/2 years. I know everyone is different but I so hope that Matt follows a similar path post surgery. I also hope and pray that Ant has the success that Roo has had thus far! I will definitely be thinking about you all and sending loads of luck and love..................


Dusty, I am so happy to hear that Matt is doing better. Are they saying surgery for sure in a couple months?

Hi Rachel, :bigwave:

Yeah, the docs are pretty well convinced that the fistula won't close up on it's own, I guess in their experience it very rarely happens. He can't go to biologics to try and close it because of the infection. He goes back to Sydney for review on the 7th March and I am hoping that everything stays calm until then. He will stay on oral antibiotics until at least then and the drain will also stay in until at least then if all goes according to plan.

Dusty. :)
Dusty, I really love Roo's confidence in wearing her "badge of honor"! I think that is awesome! I hope to be as successful as Roo! I can understand how scary that was for you and Roo to go through the first time, to want to avoid that for Matt. I wanted to avoid it also initially (hence switching doctors for Ant and canceling his 12/27 surgery - which was still a good move because he now has a much better surgeon). Like Matt, Anthony also wasn't diagnosed that long ago (although he has a couple months more months) and doctors here seemed surprised the disease progressed as it had or that we were already at this point so quickly, but I believe Anthony had it for a very long time before diagnosis (we were told everything from repeated bouts of stomach flu to Chinese food allergy). Anyway, I am very hopeful that all goes well for Matt until March and he can stay on course with the antibiotics and be comfortable until they proceed with any procedures!!

Today Ant had another fever and his blood coagulation rate was just outside of normal, but surgeons said they aren't surprised due to him not eating and we are still proceeding with surgery tomorrow. We are scheduled for 11 am EST tomorrow (though I am doubtful it will happen on time!) so by tomorrow evening I will be checking in with GOOD NEWS. I just know it!

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I am looking forward to the good news post and will be thinking of you and Ant tomorrow. I bet Ant can't wait to eat! And I bet you can't wait to see hime eat. Good luck and tons of prayers coming your way!
THANK YOU Mark! LOL @ Dusty!

Thank you Rachel!

We are so ready for this! Thank you all for your well wishes! I will report as soon as I have good news! :)
I bet this is going to be a new start for Ant. It sounds like you have a good surgeon and you are in a good hospital. I'm going to be praying for you both. Give Anthony a hug!
I'll be keeping you and Ant in my thoughts and prayers today Kelly!! Looking forward to good news!
We are in recovery! It went GREAT!!!!!!

2 sections were removed, both short though. Disease was very bad, bowel was erroded into abdominal muscle. Never would have been fixed w/o surgery. Dr said it could not have went better!!! He's in a lot of pain right now, but has an epidural so the medicine goes straight to the nerves rather than morphine (slows bowels, makes you foggy, etc). Surgeon said he's like brand new. YAY!

Thank you all for your prayers!


Fabulous news Kelly!!! I am so happy for Ant and what a relief for you, a new beginning ya can't beat that. May this last a lifetime for you all...............WOOHOO!

:mademyday: :):):):):):):):)

PS. Promise me you aren't going to eat that stuff Dexky posted about ...........:ywow::ylol:
OH Mark, you just gave me ANOTHER reason to eat biscuits & gravy. Better yet, might as well make it sausage gravy! Kelly, if you were closer, I'd bring you some!


Hi Kelly
Just read this whole thread and it was like reading a really sad story. And then came the happy ending!! Woo hoo!!
Hope Ant's recovery is quick and all this becomes just a distant memory.
Also, would like to say to all of you with poorly children you are ALL heroes.The support you give to your children and to each other is human nature at its very best. I feel humbled by you all.
Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ant had quite some pain last night and he isn't a fan of his epidural, lol. He did get out of bed earlier and we had him sitting up in a chair, and a little later he is going to walk. Still NPO for now. They are going to give him some different pain meds ... trying to stay away from morphine as it slows the bowels. I think he is doing really well! Doctors are very happy.

Okay, there is a pirate-clown-magician here doing tricks ... will write more later! :-D
OH Mark, you just gave me ANOTHER reason to eat biscuits & gravy. Better yet, might as well make it sausage gravy! Kelly, if you were closer, I'd bring you some!



Haha!! Yummmm .... I would give anything for home cooked ANYthing! lol
So great to hear all continues to go well. Roo was on NPO, except for ice chips until she had her first bowel motion. This normally happens about day 4 or 5 post op and then start on a light diet. Usually you are discharged about 24hrs after having the bowel motion if there are no other issues.

So happy for you! :):):)
YIPPEE! So glad all went well. What a relief! Watch how fast he bounces back now. Well, mom, rest easy, you did an amazing job and were an excellent advocate for your child. Hopefully, life gets a little easier for you now and things get back to normal soon. Give Ant a big hug, he is so brave.
Hi Kelly
Just read this whole thread and it was like reading a really sad story. And then came the happy ending!! Woo hoo!!
Hope Ant's recovery is quick and all this becomes just a distant memory.
Also, would like to say to all of you with poorly children you are ALL heroes.The support you give to your children and to each other is human nature at its very best. I feel humbled by you all.

Mario made me cry! Somedays though, that doesn't take much!

Hugs to all -
Hi Kelly
Just read this whole thread and it was like reading a really sad story. And then came the happy ending!! Woo hoo!!
Hope Ant's recovery is quick and all this becomes just a distant memory.
Also, would like to say to all of you with poorly children you are ALL heroes.The support you give to your children and to each other is human nature at its very best. I feel humbled by you all.

Thank you soooo much, Mario! What a sweet post! Thank you so much for your kind words. All the parents here are fabulous, aren't they? This would have been so much harder without them!


Today, Ant walked the floor a few times and is sitting up in a chair. :) He is passing gas and HUNGRY, all good signs! No fever since Monday night. Waiting for GI to get here to see if he can start having some liquids at least.
Kelly - That's ALL good stuff! Especially the hungry part. :thumright:

Tell Ant he's good an online cheering section and we're relentless. :ylol:


I CANNOT spell. Make that he's GOT an online cheering section. One member of the team is not smarter than a 5th grader (that would be me, the spelling challenged) but I'm still cheering.

Lol Julie! I will let him know! As he walked down the hall yesterday, all the drs and nurses @ the nurses station started cheering and clapping. It made me teary eyed. Omg, its even choking me up a little bit right now.

The biggest sign he is getting better is last night he was arguing with his little brother over something stupid. Yup, definitely getting back to normal! :-D
Glad things are going well Kelly!! It won't be long, he'll be annoying you just like before:).
Hi Kelly,
Glad Ant is on the road to recovery and he is feeling good, bet he cant wait to eat that chinese? lol
Kelly - This updates make me want to dance! Tell Ant he'll be eating some chinese in no time. Does he like PF Changs? :p

Fab news Kelly! I'm so happy for you both.........:):):):):):):)

Loads of love, :hug:
Hi Dusty! (and everyone)

Anthony is doing really well! Ate yesterday (soft gi diet) and pooped! Surgeon and GI docs said we can go home this morning, just in time for the twins birthday! BUT - we are awake and ready, and apparently no one told floor docs! He's still hooked to IV, and no one knows what time we'll get out. Meanwhile, twins are waiting for me to pick them up and its their birthday, and I'm just beside myself. Nurse told me its just a day. :( We both just want to go home.
Oh no! You will get home today won't you??

Boy oh boy do I know the wanting to get home feeling, ;) and I don't doubt you are bedside yourself with the twins birthday and all argh!

:hang: Mum and maybe doing some yelling and stomping! :eek:

Dusty. :hug:
Thanks Dusty! Finally saw a floor dr who assured me that shed get this taken care of asap and just needed the dosages for our scripts going home and told the nurse to remove his IV, BUT then the nurse said that she wanted to wait for the GI doc to make the call???? Going a little crazy here. Argh!

But, Ant is doing great!
I so hope when you are reading this that you are home and celebrating the twins birthday. Please tell me you are home!!!

So happy that Ant is feeling and doing brilliantly! :banana::banana::banana:

Dusty. :)
We are home everyone!!!

He isn't feeling very well, but I am hoping it is just him adjusting to life after surgery and being off IV, sore, etc. He seems a little better this evening. Eating small meals, pooping. :) So far, so good! Feels SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD TO BE HOME!!
This is so great to hear Kelly!

Yeah, takes a little while to adjust when they get home but how wonderful that he is home and starting to feel better.

You must all feel so relieved and happy to be together again.

Lots of love, :hug:
Woo hoo Kelly :banana:!! I'd expect he'd still be quite sore! He's also old enough to have to fight the mental aspect of it, you know, the feeling that moving and stretching it is going to rip something apart. I'd think(no first hand knowledge) that it would take a long time to get over that after major surgery.
EVERYONE (including the mama) is better off at home. I"m so glad. Hope things continue to improve. :D

Woo hoo Kelly :banana:!! I'd expect he'd still be quite sore! He's also old enough to have to fight the mental aspect of it, you know, the feeling that moving and stretching it is going to rip something apart. I'd think(no first hand knowledge) that it would take a long time to get over that after major surgery.

Mark, funny you mention that ... he has 20 staples and he does feel like they are going to pop and it freaks him out, but he realizes that it is just a feeling and not going to happen.

He got a good night's sleep last night! It is hard to get back into that normal sleeping pattern. Hopefully, onward and upward! :)
AWESOME!!!!:cool2: I'm so happy for him (and of course, for you :)). The new normal sounds like it is on its way.

It was my birthday yesterday ... I couldn't have celebrated a better way, home with all my kiddos!

Anthony is getting the teenager-ish attitude back. He is bored. Definitely a good sign! :)
Happy Birthday Kelly! I know that you were exactly where you wanted to be to celebrate - HOME! I'm so happy for you that things are still on the mend. Good stuff..........
Also just have to post ... as I sit here typing, I hear the wonderful sounds of Anthony playing some crazy game with his little brother and it makes me so happy I want to cry. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to hear him LIVING again ... just reiterates how necessary this surgery was and how he has just been existing on the couch in pain for the last several months.

I want to hug and kiss the Mt. Sinai doctors ... I would, if they wouldn't think I was crazy! :)

Tuesday is the big 'staple removal' day!!!
I want to hug and kiss the Mt. Sinai doctors ... I would, if they wouldn't think I was crazy! :)

I bet they get that all the time!! Is Ant about over the phantom feelings? Wow, that seems really quick for the staples!! EJ's sitting beside me playing his guitar right now. It's good to hear kids being kids!!!
Ugh Dex, don't be sadistic! 2 weeks is well long enough for staples.......:ylol:

Oh Kelly. I am so happy for you all. Haha looking back before my kids were sick I would never have believed the things I would sit back and smile about, but man doesn't it feel great!

May it keep on keeping on hun, :hug:
Well in my typical unbridled southern way, I did hug all of Claire's docs in AZ before her hospitalization was over. As you can imagine, some were surprised but I didn't give a damn. Tee-hee. So I'm not one bit surprised you felt that way - you just are clearly better behaved than I am.

I can tell you that hospital folks, even the docs, LOVE a thank you. I'm sure Mt. Sinai has some sort of employee recognition program. You should start nominating your favorites. The folks in the hospital system where I work are thrilled to be recognized for the good stuff!!!

I'm still smiling that Ant is doing so well! :)
Helloooooo everyone!

Well, Ant has been doing fantastically! Staples are out, his incision looks great ... no "inner belly" pain, very minor discomfort here and there. We are gradually adding cooked veggies back into his diet - yay! He is down to 20 mg. pred ... we will likely be dropping him to 15 sometime this week. He went back to SCHOOL on Wednesday!!!!!

Until today that is - he appears to have a cold. No fever, but sore throat, lots of sneezing and sniffling. I kept him home since he is already immuno-suppressed and I figured it was the best thing. I will keep an eye on him and see regular ped tomorrow if no improvement or the same.

He will still be getting a tutor to help him with work that he missed during his absence.

Julie - you are funny ... I REALLY wanted to hug his surgeon last week (but I refrained!). I actually felt like I would MISS him leaving his office ... how crazy is that!?! Crazy, I know ... but I am so grateful for what they have done for Anthony. We (kids and I) are sending them thank you cards ... little ones wrote cute messages like "Thanks for making my brother healthy so we can play again" :)

Life is good!
Woohoo Kelly, what fabulous news!!!

Oh god Kelly I am sooooooo happy for you all at the outcome and I am wishing and praying for Ant that this lasts for a very, very long time to come!

Brilliant news!!
Ant you're a top kid with a top mum!
Kelly glad to hear his "attitude" is returning, because that is HEALTHY!!
Oh Kelly!!!! Happy, happy day! So glad everything is fab. I am still amazed at how fast Luc bounced back( though I have to say, LOTS of little bugs and colds) and it looks like Ant is doing the same. I hope Ant has a lifetime of remission and you have peace of mind. You certainly deserve it!
Kelly - They will LOVE the notes and I'm glad I made you smile. I'm even MORE glad Ant went to school. WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

:congratualtions: :congratualtions: :congratualtions: :congratualtions:

Hey Kelly,
Just wondering how Ant is feeling and how are you doing? Hopefully things are getting back to normal and by normal I mean busy! Thinking of you.
Hi Rachel (and group)!

Ant is doing terrific! He is plugging away, getting better and better each day. He is almost all caught up at school. Pretty soon (I think he has another week or two off) he will be back at gym, too. He is down to 10 mg. of pred daily, and will start 5 this weekend! Woo Hoo!

Next blood work is 3/22, and then I think we do it every 2 weeks from that point. Does it eventually slow down?? I forgot to ask that. We have a full month before we see ANY doctors again! Boy, does THAT feel good!

I will pop in to everyone else's threads to see how all the kiddos are. Hope Lucas, Matt, EJ, Claire and the rest of the crew are doing well! Sending hugs!

Now if only SPRING would hurry up and arrive! :)
Hey Kelly,

Brilliant news! Woohoo!!!

The blood work does slow down. If he is staying on an immunosuppressant as maintenance therapy then eventually the blood work should level out to 3 monthly. Every GI seems to have different ideas as to how long it will take to reach that point but if I remember correctly with Roo it was about 12 months. This followed a regime of weekly, fortnightly, monthly, 2nd monthly and finally 3 monthly.

Dusty. :)
Kelly I am SOOOOOOOO glad. :)

Dusty is dead-on (as usual) on the labwork schedule. That's my recollection from when Claire started 6MP.

Sending lots of love your way,
I just finished reading all of these posts...except I read them all backwards..on purpose lol. I knew it was about surgery, and the ups and downs getting there... so, I needed some good news first since this is going to be mine and my daughters life soon. :)

I am so happy things have turned out so well for your son!! Great news and a great new beginning for your family !
I hope he has continued health for many, many years !!
Thank's Crohn's mom! He has been doing fabulously! I will hope and pray for the same results for Gab (I have a Gabby too!) - for both of them - for many years to come!

Anthony is down to 5 mg of pred this week guys - this weekend is IT! He will finally be off of that yucky drug!

Woo Hoo!
Three cheers for getting of the :) I'm happy for you all, Kelly!!!!!!

Big Hug,
Yee Haw!!! This is great to read Kelly! I am so chuffed that Ant is doing fab AND getting off the Pred. :):):)


Awesome Kelly, I remember the relief we felt when we got off the pred!! One less thing to worry about:)!!
Hey Kelly, :bigwave:

Just popping by to see how Ant is doing now that he is off the Pred. I'm hoping all is well?

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxx
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Hope your having better luck with Spring Kelly :)
Sorry I am late for this... had to giggle when you said Anthony was happy to be missing gym...haha...
I am glad he is making some improvements :)