Any advise on fissures

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Dec 5, 2010
My son has this little fissure right above the anal area. It's so annoying because we seem to get it healed up with Desitin and A&D ointment. But I've since read that its the contractions in that area that cause the fissure. He doesn't complain at all about it hurting, but it causes a drop of blood at the end. Anyone have any experience with this?
Sorry Grace hasn't had any experience that yet.
I'm glad it's not hurting him. It must be tough for a 14 yr. old boy to have those. I hope they clear up.

As Lucy's disease is mainly peri-anal we have had lots of fissures over the last year. When she wiping after a bm we put liquid parafin/surgical olive oil on the tissue so it wont hurt or just put her in hte shower and clean that way. Salt baths we have also done - I dont really know if they are any good but at least you feel you are doing something! There is also a steroid foam that the GI can prescribe which can be usefull ( the name excapes me now)

I have also been advised by a number of people to put Manuka Honey on the area ( just cant seem to get my head around that one so havn't tried it!!)

If I am honest though while the above measures ease the discomfort the fissures only really went away when the 6mp started to work.

Good luck
Botox is commonly used to try and stop the spasming.
Otherwise sitz baths, calmoseptine, baby wipes, lignocaine are all good to minimize pain and aid healing.
Infliximab and Humira have both cleared up my fissures as well.
Hi there,

I just wanted to say my son has had fissures for nearly 2 years now. In fact that was how the crohn's all started, then he had a perianal abscsess and fistula which has healed, but the fissures are still there.

We do a salt bath every day and he uses moist flushable wipes. He also has a medicine to keep his motions soft.

So I don't have any experience of getting fissures to heal, we are just 'managing with them'.

Best wishes,
Lily Rose
i am no help-we haven't dealt with fissures-but we did use a foam steroid called cortifoam. Hope it clears up soon!
Hi Kathy,

Can't add to what's already been said - Stephen's found that sitz baths with epsom salts help and, when necessary, penaten lotion to heal them.

I'm glad it's not bothering him though!! :)

Hope all else is well :thumright:
Alex bleeds often from fissures too, but they don't seem to hurt. He's also done the epsom salt sitz baths. His pedatrician recommended a vinegar sitz bath, as its a natural antibiotic. Frustrating that healing is so slowed by the disease too.