Any answers to a hurting belly?

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Sep 6, 2013
:(:(:(My 10 year old grand daughter just got out of the hospital after another 5 days in. She was hurting a little yesterday but today is in a great deal of pain. Is there anything that can help her?
When my son is having pain related to a flare we use heating pads and acetaminophen. At the time of dx, he was also on an anti-spasmodic, levsin, but it did not seem to help with pain. Those with IBD are generally told to stay away from Ibuprofen as it can cause GI problems.

Sorry to hear that she is still having pain, has she recently tapered lower on her pred or had a med change of any sort? Sometimes pred is tapered down the symptoms return and the dose of pred has to be upped and a slower taper started.
they sent her home with the following:
cefdinir 300 mg to be taken by mouth 2x daily for 14 dyas
metronidazole 250 mg/5 ml susp (Flagyl) 300mg total by mouth 3 times a day with meals for 30 days
hyoscyamine(LEVsin/SL) .125 mg every 4 hours as needed
omeprazole 40 mg capsule (PRILOSEC)
prednisone 10 mg (DELTASONE) 2 daily
ATHIOPRINE 75 mg daily

This is the list sent home from the hospital. She has been having intense pain and already took a pain pill.
What pain pill is she using? I absolutely would never give ibuprofen if I could help it - it could be creating the pain... it does for me and my daughter... My daughter uses an essential oil blend called "Digestzen" topically for her abdominal pain and finds it usually does the trick.
Another night of pain and another day missed from school! She has missed more days this this year than in the last 5 years! She is an honor roll student with straight A's and always involved in school and loving it! She had such a rough night last night! As the grand parent, I am feeling lost, but I must step up to the plate and get to the gut of this to say the least. I stumbled on a thread talking about 504. I only know that it has to do with school but I will know more by the end of the day!
I'm so sorry she's in so much pain. Def stay away from ibuprophen. I would ask her drs if you can use tylenol, you may be able to use in in between the other pain meds. I would also suggest a heat source like a heating pad, rice bag for the pain. My daughter lives with a rice bag that you heat up in the microwave. I have also heard of people putting warm water in a pop bottle in a pinch. Rice bags are very easy to make, I can give you instructions if you would like to try. I hope she gets some relief soon.
Poor thing - so frustrating when she is doing well at school. Hope the meds start to help to get her better. Hot water bottles/heat pads are great when it's tummy pain.
Sometimes my daughter likes to take a hot shower or warm bath as well. Putting heat directly on her stomach can make her nauseous at times. Zofran sometimes helps, as does Bentyl.
Hi Jo Ann, my name is Eric. I'm 30 yrs old and have been living with crohns since i was 14. Although most of my life my disease has been mostly mild. The latter part of the passed 10yrs has got to be a lot worse. It seems during my disease I show very little signs of the disease and then it just goes from fine to nightmare in a day or two. Maybe i have just learned to deal with pain over the last 16 years. I laugh to myself when people complain about having stomach aches... or diarrhea. Only because people living with ibd have some of the most insane stomach pains. Ok now to the pain. I am about to schedule another surgery since my last 4 years ago. I have major stomach blockages and sharp long lasting pain and the only thing that puts a little relief on me is narcotic pain meds. The thing that sucks about those is that you become very tolerant to the mg. Thus more is required to relieve pain. Now when you keep increasing this stuff you run the risk of becoming very dependent on them. But if you are careful I find that Oxycodone is a big help in getting through some of these hard times. I hope and pray that she will have some relief soon. Hopefully, after my surgery I won't need to rely on this to get through my work day. I have to wear a work belt that really puts a lot of tension on my belly all day and the bathroom trips really get annoying fast I know. I am also taking Zofran for all the dizziness and nausea I am having lately and that helps clog me up enough to not have to go so much to the toilet... I really hope that she gets better. I was also an honor student and missed lots of school. She is probably one hell of a girl.
Hey Jo Ann,

Where exactly is your granddaughter's Crohn's and pain located?

How long has she been Azathioprine?

Thinking of you, :heart:
Dusty. xxx
She has been on tat med I believe for a week now. Had to take her back to er and she is back in the hospital now. Took us 6 hours before she got to a room at 4am today. She was complaining of pain just under stomach. On a 1-10 it was an 8.5 pain. The night before she was also in pain. For some reason, during the day she was OK with pain scale being a 4, at night it really kicks in. We have called it the "Wolf" coming out! She has been a real trooper and tries to pre-occupy her self so as not to think about the pain so much. She is supposed to start on Remicade in a few weeks and I told my daughter to see if they can step it up. I even gave her an extra strength Tylenol last night but nothing was working. Last time she was in they were allowing her to eat things like hamburgers, spaghetti and meat balls, bagels frosted flakes ect... She had a big appetite and wound up constipated before leaving the hospital. 3 hospital visits in less than 3 weeks. 4 days, 5 days and now lets see what this trip will be. She has been there more than at home right now. I found out about a 504 program and have already contacted her counselor and am trying to set up a meeting early next week with teachers and parents and myself with my research. This is a full time job right now! I just pray that the benefits will pay off! Cant quit as this is one of my heart and souls!
Hi Jo Ann,

I am so sorry to hear about your granddaughter's pain. It is such a hard thing to see a child you love in pain and not be able to take it away. I hope they can get to the bottom of the pain at the hospital.

My son had chronic abdominal pain for many months. His too seemed much worse at night. He used a rice bag that we would heat up in the microwave and he found warm baths to be comforting too. He found distraction to be most effective, usually in the form of video/computer games or movies/TV. We even lifted our usual ban of TV in bed and let him watch it at all hours of the night when he was in bad pain. My son also went to a psychologist that specialized in treating children with chronic pain and they taught him how to do guided (with a recording) meditation/deep relaxation. It was mildly helpful.

Try not to worry too much about how much school she is missing. Once these kids get feeling well again they find ways to catch up. At the moment getting her through this flare and feeling better is more important and school can wait.

When I was in graduate school, I did a year's internship with the Pain Management Team of a major children's hospital. One of the things I learned is that virtually all pain is worse at night. I don't think it's so well understood why that is (one thought is b/c we are not so busy/preoccupied with other things, like during the day).

I hope your granddaughter is soon on the road to feeling better. She is fortunate to have such a caring family.
So much has taken place since my last post! They started her on Remicade today. They gave her benidril (sp) just before and did it with an IV also. I had to leave half way through but she was with her mom and very sleepy. Went to the school today with the 504 plan and some other stuff I found out about ,and got them all on board. They were great and one of the teachers called her at the hospital and had the whole class talking to her and wishing her well. It was great! We did try the rice bag, heating pad, hot tub, but this time it was just to bad had to go to the er and she was admitted again. Hopefully the Remicade will be something that will help her at this time. Thank to all of you for your support!
Some people have a VERY quick response to Remicade. May your granddaughter be one of them!!!!!!
I would love to know if there is anything that helps with the pain! We've tried all the heat ideas, relaxation, he's now doing Biofeedback (out of pocket). Levsin, Bentyl, now we are on donnatal. All of it offers slight lessening of the pain. Nothing knocks it out. He is seeing a psychiatrist to see if those meds can help, nothing so far.

I have migraines and have taken narcotic opiates for year. Frankly, I can function much better on one hydrocodone than on any of the triptan headache pills. I understand about addiction, but as my first neurologist wisely said, "If you need to take it regularly anyway, the difficulty of going off it is never really going to occur, is it?"

I do understand about the acclimation issue, and I switch pills from time to time. I understand why docs would be reluctant to give major pain relievers to kids. I keep threatening to just take him into ER--surely they would give him something? Especially at night, when it's not going to interfere with his school. But if he can't go to school due to the pain anyway, what difference does it make! Okay, my rant is over.

About nighttime pain--there is new research about the gut/ brain connection which I can't explain well but basically our doc told us that the gut is producing seratonin, and late night is when seratonin production falls, so that's when your pain experience goes up. Also for digestive pain it can have to do with when you eat--my son's pain hits at 11 pm every night which is about 4-5 hours after dinner. Depending on how fast your motility is, this could be just when the stomach empties to the small intestine, or when it passes one of the intestinal valves. Also, of course, digestion doesn't work as well laying down.

We have started feeding my son half of his dinner around 4pm and then having him eat the other half with us at 6pm. This seems to help. You also might try restricting any food after a certain time, say 6 or 7 pm. The later at night he eats, the more pain he is. Also, sleeping propped up on pillows or in a reclining chair might help.

Sadly it is true that tv or video games are more distracting than anything else. Our electronics rules are really hard to enforce when it's midnight and he's screaming with pain. Sometimes we succeed in having him lie in bed listening to books on tape.
OOPS! the more pain he is in, i meant to say in.
although, the more pain he is,
is also probably accurate.