I have had severe crohn's at varying degrees for 10ys. The past year I have had swelling and redness between my top lip and nose. (among many other crohns symptoms). I am very self conscience but it doesn't hurt, just looks bad. Some days make up can't hide it. Dermotologist said its "melkersson rosanthal syndrome", suggested short term topical steroid, but gastroenterologist told me not to use it as the skin there is already thin. HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS AND FOUND SOMETHING / ANYTHING THAT HAS REDUCED THE REDNESS. I sometime wish i was a boy then i could grow a moustache to cover it. I have been on all meds and currently on humira which they thought would reduce redness but it doesn't seem to be doing much for my crohns. I've been on it a month. Any suggestions much appreciated