Alright, I'm not sure how long this is going to be, but here it goes.
I'm 15 years old, and I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease about 4 years ago, Ileitis to be exact. I was in remission for about a few monthes (that's typically how long they last for me) but I started flaring up again in December of 07, and ever since it's been getting worse and worse. All my medications have been raised (Pentasa [3,000mg] and Azasan (generic for Imuran) [100mg], as well as 2 vitamins, 2 calcium supplements, and one fish oil tablet.) but this hasn't seemed to make any difference. I have constant stomach pain to the point where I can barely walk or get out of bed. On May 12th [Monday] I had an Upper GI to see if my narrowing in my small intestine has changed at all, and the radiologist who looked at my pictures from before and the ones from now says that he sees no change. My doctor, who's beginning to think that surgery is my last option, has been out of town the past couple of weeks so we've had to deal with his nurse [That's a whole other story, which would probably belong in the ranting section.] who made me an appointment with a surgeon at the closest Children's Hospital so I can become an established patient [May 13] and I FINALLY get to see my doctor [Who hasn't even seen my pictures yet.] on the 15th, which is when he will determine whether he wants another colonoscopy done [I haven't had one since I was first diagnosed.] or if he wants to go through with the surgery. Have any of you gone through a similar situation? If so, how did it turn out?
Another thing: I kinda figure he'll want to do the colonoscopy, but I have a LOT of trouble drinking the medication. I just can't keep it in my stomach. And it's not just the taste, I think it's my tolerance too. During my last colonoscopy, we had to call the doctor and ask it I could stop drinking it because I was crying with all the force of my vomiting. Now, I've heard of a pill that has the medication in it, and if you take it with your other clear liquids your required to drink, you don't have to take the mega nasty liquid. From what I've read though, it says that it's an adult medication. Would I be able to take this instead? (I'm taking an adult RAISED dosage of Pentasa and pain medication)
Any help would be appreciated. I'm a little desperate.:confused2:
I'm 15 years old, and I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease about 4 years ago, Ileitis to be exact. I was in remission for about a few monthes (that's typically how long they last for me) but I started flaring up again in December of 07, and ever since it's been getting worse and worse. All my medications have been raised (Pentasa [3,000mg] and Azasan (generic for Imuran) [100mg], as well as 2 vitamins, 2 calcium supplements, and one fish oil tablet.) but this hasn't seemed to make any difference. I have constant stomach pain to the point where I can barely walk or get out of bed. On May 12th [Monday] I had an Upper GI to see if my narrowing in my small intestine has changed at all, and the radiologist who looked at my pictures from before and the ones from now says that he sees no change. My doctor, who's beginning to think that surgery is my last option, has been out of town the past couple of weeks so we've had to deal with his nurse [That's a whole other story, which would probably belong in the ranting section.] who made me an appointment with a surgeon at the closest Children's Hospital so I can become an established patient [May 13] and I FINALLY get to see my doctor [Who hasn't even seen my pictures yet.] on the 15th, which is when he will determine whether he wants another colonoscopy done [I haven't had one since I was first diagnosed.] or if he wants to go through with the surgery. Have any of you gone through a similar situation? If so, how did it turn out?
Another thing: I kinda figure he'll want to do the colonoscopy, but I have a LOT of trouble drinking the medication. I just can't keep it in my stomach. And it's not just the taste, I think it's my tolerance too. During my last colonoscopy, we had to call the doctor and ask it I could stop drinking it because I was crying with all the force of my vomiting. Now, I've heard of a pill that has the medication in it, and if you take it with your other clear liquids your required to drink, you don't have to take the mega nasty liquid. From what I've read though, it says that it's an adult medication. Would I be able to take this instead? (I'm taking an adult RAISED dosage of Pentasa and pain medication)
Any help would be appreciated. I'm a little desperate.:confused2: