Any way to reduce toilet trips?

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Jul 12, 2010
This may be a very silly question.. but any special thing you do to make less D??

Tablets, or a tea or certain food ?? Anything to firm things up and slow things down:eek:

I have been given Movicol, before I was at around 10 times a day, now I am back to heading towards 20 times. I know it will cause this problem and then settle down.. but for the time being, anything I can do to reduce these??

ATM am consuming water, 2 crackers + cordial a day.

Any tips would be great.. so sore!! (Armed with wipes and zinc cream!)

I'm a bit confused. I am assuming you are on the Movicol to treat constipation? If you are no longer constipated why are you taking it?
He said although I had D and many bm, I had some backed up in my upper intestines, so to take the movical everyday long term

Did say it would be much worse before it calmed down, just a bit worn out!!
I don't know if you can eat these things but Jett has suggested bananas and unsweetened apple sauce to many with D.
around 10 a day before the movicol, already been that many times today.. its only lunchtime here!

I have been having some puree earlier in the week .. I try some of that later on, thanks Dexy
I just don't know where the doc is going with this. As far as I know Movicol is a laxative only and is going to exacerbate your diarrhoea. As I said if you have some constipation, fine treat that but then withhold the Movicol. If you are someone that has a tendency to go between the two I would still say that it would make more sense to lay off the Movicol when you have diarrhoea and if you start to feel yourself slowing up then go back onto the Movicol until it clears again.

While ever you are on the Movicol I don't see your diarrhoea settling when 10 times a day is normal for you. There is medication that help slow your bowel or bulk your stools, like Lomotil, Imodium or Questran but I think it is best to seek medical advice before taking them, in view of your issues, and Questran would require a script anyway.

Just my two cents worth. ;)

Dusty, :)
SUN CHIPS! regular kind I find works best but try experimenting if you like. My aunt actually by coincidence had been volunteering every other year at a Crohn's and Colitis camp in California for a quite a while now and when I was diagnosed she told me that at the camp they feed all the kids Sun Chips when they arent feeling well because it seems to settle down a lot of their stomachs. For whatever reason it has worked for me too at times. maybe its all in my head but its what I was told and worth a shot.
Thanks Dusty.. I will go back to docs if it dosent settle down, not drinking any Movicol today!!

He said something about err.. upperbowel becoming lazy when the lower part was inflammed, now it needs some help to move things through! eek!

Thanks.. I am going to google sunchips!!

Having an immodium..fingers crossed!! (legs crossed)
Like Dusty said, there is medication, but most of it is prescription. Over-the-counter stuff like Imodium never worked for me. I personally take Lomotil, which works very well for me but it is prescription, and I find that if I take it too often then I get constipated. So you should really consult with your doctor to get more information on what you should be taking and how often since it sounds like you've already got some constipation issues. Good luck!
I've never had any constipation issue lol had D for 5 weeks now! so was alarmed to leave gastro with laxatives..

Gastro's letter says 2 a day ongoing, until he see's me again in January
I think that what the doc is saying is that dancer had a 'plug' of poo. This causes d because only liquid stool can get round the plug. Anything more solid gets stuck behind the plug. By taking the movicol it should soften the plug, now there is a lot of backed up poo to get rid of! But sorry dancer, I think you have to put up with the trips because anything you eat to firm it up will only join the back of the queue if you see what I mean! And I would definately avoid anti d medications as that could lead to another plug forming.
Thanks Rebecca..that does make sense.. its just...boooo.. I am sitting on a stack of pillows LOL

yeah thats true bout the anti D ... Just gonna have to keep taking it, chugging the water..and running for the bog!!
Have you tried putting vaseline round your bum hole after each time you go? It soothes and protects your skin from the next time you go (and you need less wiping).
I've been slathering on castor oil and zinc cream by the bucket... ouchie...

Gonna have to take another 4 today... not looking forward to another day running to the bog!!

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