Hey guys,
Just wondering if anyone else has forgottenwhat normal is??? I am so used to scoping out bathrooms and going having bm's all the time that I sometimes forget most of humanity doesn't do that. The other morning, after buying my coffee in the drive-thru, I parked and went inside because nature called just that fast. Then I realized it was the 3rd time before 9am. Guess chroniness is a way of life for me now? In the old days, I avoided public toilets like the plauge.
Just wondering if anyone else has forgottenwhat normal is??? I am so used to scoping out bathrooms and going having bm's all the time that I sometimes forget most of humanity doesn't do that. The other morning, after buying my coffee in the drive-thru, I parked and went inside because nature called just that fast. Then I realized it was the 3rd time before 9am. Guess chroniness is a way of life for me now? In the old days, I avoided public toilets like the plauge.