Anyone else doing the walk?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 11, 2012
My 10 year old was diagnosed in Dec 2009. This is the first year we will be doing "The Gutsy Walk". The walk is to raise money for research, to find a cure for IBD. We just found out about the walk, and we are really looking forward to it! She has recently met two boys her age (through the CCFC) who have Colitis. Up until now, she didn't know anyone her age with IBD. You can check out her link and story here ..
That's terrific! We did the CCFA Take Steps walk here last year and will again this year. It's a great way to meet people and fellow kids with IBD. It also helps raise awareness.
I can't do the walk but I am volunteering with my local chapter to run the registration table at our local walk.
Thats great Jenn!
It def helps raise awareness!!

kllyeve, even volunteering is GREAT!! We need the volunteers, without them we wouldn't have a run!
This is the first year my fiance and I are doing the take steps walk. It's the first year I felt "able" to walk and not tied to a bathroom