Anyone else have refractory thrush from Prednisone??

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May 17, 2013
Been on Difulcan 200mg since July 3rd w only minor improvement. Have bad oral/esophageal thrush which is proving to be v painful.
Has anyone else dealt w this and, if so, how did it resolve?

:hug: Oh yes, I've had it several times, it's terrible! Yogurt and the like helps but when you are immune suppressed on prednisone you really need the antifungal prescription meds to kick it.

I needed prescription Mycelex oral trouches, which is like a lozenge, four times a day for three weeks. I also added really high level probiotic supplements, too.

Also, buy cheap toothbrushes and toss them every few days so you don't reinfect your mouth with them, and brushing with sensitive toothpaste helps a little with the soreness-for me regular toothpaste burned like fire. Hope this helps
Thank you mountaingem! I have been on the antifungals since July 3rd :( including difulcan, the swish/swallow and the lozenges. I do the tongue scraping and throw away my tooth brush every 48 hrs. Also do peroxide swishes and probitoics. UGHHHH.
Oh you poor thing! Maybe try cutting out sugar (which feeds yeast) and give the probiotics a shot-both might give the antifungals a fighting chance. Has the doctor tried any other therapies or maybe more than one at a time?