My name is Rachel and i am 25 yr old.
I am currently going through a bad flare up of crohns disease (my first serious flare up since i was diagnosed 5 yrs ago). I have always ignored the fact that i have crohns and have lived the last 5 years without really knowing much about it at all. But i have recently experienced my first "official" flare up.
This flare up has been going for 5 months and my doc has kept me on Entorcort which has not made things any better. Last week the pain was so bad that i went to hospital. I was put on hydro-cortison (sorry not sure of the spellng) and then predisilone but neither seemed to help my inflammation and after having an MRI scan my doc has put me in HUMIRA (as both my bowles and colon were extremly inflamed).
I have been reading about it on the internet and am extremely scared and nervous about continuing to take it. I was given my first shot (4 injections) 2 days ago and my results have improved but the possible side effects scare me.
I understand that there are side effects with all drugs but when i read about HUMIRA is said that there have been cases where ppl have developed cancer of the blood. The thought of giving myself another injection in 2 weeks, which could cause cancer scares the living daylights out of me.
I dont now anyone else that is on this drug, i dont even know anyone else that has crohns disease in my home town and i just want some advice or any other reviews from other people living and taking humira? What side effects have you experienced if any?
I am so stressed about taking this drug that i am having trouble sleeping and the stress is not doing any good for me but what are my options? I cant continue to live in pain either?
If i hear enough negative comments about humira i may speak to another doctor and try something else.
SO any posts or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks heaps
My name is Rachel and i am 25 yr old.
I am currently going through a bad flare up of crohns disease (my first serious flare up since i was diagnosed 5 yrs ago). I have always ignored the fact that i have crohns and have lived the last 5 years without really knowing much about it at all. But i have recently experienced my first "official" flare up.
This flare up has been going for 5 months and my doc has kept me on Entorcort which has not made things any better. Last week the pain was so bad that i went to hospital. I was put on hydro-cortison (sorry not sure of the spellng) and then predisilone but neither seemed to help my inflammation and after having an MRI scan my doc has put me in HUMIRA (as both my bowles and colon were extremly inflamed).
I have been reading about it on the internet and am extremely scared and nervous about continuing to take it. I was given my first shot (4 injections) 2 days ago and my results have improved but the possible side effects scare me.
I understand that there are side effects with all drugs but when i read about HUMIRA is said that there have been cases where ppl have developed cancer of the blood. The thought of giving myself another injection in 2 weeks, which could cause cancer scares the living daylights out of me.
I dont now anyone else that is on this drug, i dont even know anyone else that has crohns disease in my home town and i just want some advice or any other reviews from other people living and taking humira? What side effects have you experienced if any?
I am so stressed about taking this drug that i am having trouble sleeping and the stress is not doing any good for me but what are my options? I cant continue to live in pain either?
If i hear enough negative comments about humira i may speak to another doctor and try something else.
SO any posts or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks heaps