Anyone from Yorkshire?

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Sep 4, 2011
Hi Guys,

I guess this is a american site, a very good one at that. It has helped so much giving me support.

I wondered if anyone was from Yorkshire, and if anyone had joined the local crohns and colitis association groups at York or Leeds and had any info on them. I am hoping to join soon and maybe get to the event days they have to meet new people when Im more mobile. It not the IBD holding me back apart from the jointpain and fatigue, im also suffering from Post viral/M.E./CFS and this is the main problem, its exhausting and stopping me from having a normal life.

Any help would be great.

Lara x
Hi Lara,
There's lots of people from UK on here too.
I live in Leeds and have considered going to one of the Leeds local groups but not quite made it yet so can't really help with that. I would be interested to hear from anyone that has been though.
I hope you get the exhaustion under control soon. I suffered greatly from it when I was first ill but mine was purely CD related and once I was on medication I was able to go back to work. My life is still restricted from my fatigue but is a whole lot better than it was.
Take care

Hi lara im from sheffield. thought i'd say hi to a fellow yorkshire girly!
I dont go to any support groups as im undiagnosed. but hope you find the support you need
It's all about Lancashire im afraid! Never been to any support groups but i'd be interested in going to one.
are we really gonna go down that road?..... lol there seems to be more of you lot than me though so ill keep quiet for now haha

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