I posted my son's story last week:
https://crohnsforum.com/threads/10-yr-old-being-tested-for-crohns.85818/#post-1031095And I got some really helpful and nice responses which has really awesome and encouraging so thank you!!
I have another question though - his FC came back and it was only 40, and his CRP and Sed rate were also within normal limits (my. GI and I were really surprised by this) - however my GI (I am seeing a really awesome doctor at Hopkins) is really encouraging me to move forward with a colonoscopy, endoscopy, and MRE. She scheduled both the scopes for Sept 14. So anyways I am so hesitant to have him put under unless it is really necessary. I have spent the last week reading every piece of information I could find especially regarding normal labs and diagnosis and it seems that it would be SUPER rare for him to have below 50 on the FC test and actually have IBD. He has had symptoms as long as I can remember - severe abdominal pain (sometimes he says he can't breath the pain is so bad - like thorns are inside of him trying to break out), mouth ulcers constantly (he gets them all the time but last year he had hand, foot and mouth and literally had 32 sores in his mouth which I didn't think is humanly possible - his Ped said it was the worse case he has ever seen...I know you get mouth ulcers with that virus but that seemed really extreme - aside from that, before and after that virus he usually averages about 4 a month), strange rashes, loose yellowish stools all the time, constant nausea, gagging while eating because he said he feels sick when he eats, constant irritates eyes, fatigue, and is by far the smallest 10 yr old in his class (he is just under 51 inches and weighs 54-56 lbs).
One other question - when you first started symptoms - were they gradual or fast, and was it like you would have good days and very bad days, or was it consistently bad days without relief until you were treated? I know Crohn's is tricky and everyone is different but just looking for feedback from everyone and anyone!
I know most the people on this forum have been through so many tests and scopes and everything else so I know it doesn't seem like a big deal for him to just get scoped but he already had tons of tests and surgeries when he was little for a laryngeal cleft and has a big fear of all of it.
Thank you so much! Just want my love bug to feel better.
https://crohnsforum.com/threads/10-yr-old-being-tested-for-crohns.85818/#post-1031095And I got some really helpful and nice responses which has really awesome and encouraging so thank you!!
I have another question though - his FC came back and it was only 40, and his CRP and Sed rate were also within normal limits (my. GI and I were really surprised by this) - however my GI (I am seeing a really awesome doctor at Hopkins) is really encouraging me to move forward with a colonoscopy, endoscopy, and MRE. She scheduled both the scopes for Sept 14. So anyways I am so hesitant to have him put under unless it is really necessary. I have spent the last week reading every piece of information I could find especially regarding normal labs and diagnosis and it seems that it would be SUPER rare for him to have below 50 on the FC test and actually have IBD. He has had symptoms as long as I can remember - severe abdominal pain (sometimes he says he can't breath the pain is so bad - like thorns are inside of him trying to break out), mouth ulcers constantly (he gets them all the time but last year he had hand, foot and mouth and literally had 32 sores in his mouth which I didn't think is humanly possible - his Ped said it was the worse case he has ever seen...I know you get mouth ulcers with that virus but that seemed really extreme - aside from that, before and after that virus he usually averages about 4 a month), strange rashes, loose yellowish stools all the time, constant nausea, gagging while eating because he said he feels sick when he eats, constant irritates eyes, fatigue, and is by far the smallest 10 yr old in his class (he is just under 51 inches and weighs 54-56 lbs).
One other question - when you first started symptoms - were they gradual or fast, and was it like you would have good days and very bad days, or was it consistently bad days without relief until you were treated? I know Crohn's is tricky and everyone is different but just looking for feedback from everyone and anyone!
I know most the people on this forum have been through so many tests and scopes and everything else so I know it doesn't seem like a big deal for him to just get scoped but he already had tons of tests and surgeries when he was little for a laryngeal cleft and has a big fear of all of it.
Thank you so much! Just want my love bug to feel better.