Anyone NOT have IBD pain?

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May 23, 2011
DD claims she has no pain.
I can't decide if
1). I should be thankful and hush up
2). She DOES have pain but she thinks it is normal (in which case I'd like to treat her)
3). I'm wavering on this one, as she has had a scope and biopsies, but was she diagnosed correctly?

We have been playing outside before and she stops and falls to the ground holding her belly. When I ask her if she's in pain she tells me no, but this situation often leads up to gas/a trip to the restroom.

Anyone else out there with no pain?
I don't have pain on a day to day basis. I do get stomach aches if I eat a trigger food or get stressed. However I do sometimes get hit by muscle spasms, either in my lower abdomen or anus. These usually occur at times when I am about to need the toilet (for example I usually go the toilet within 10 minutes of drinking my morning coffee, sometimes the spasm hits after drinking coffee but before I feel the urge). I am usually unable to move during a spasm, and just have to wait for it to pass. It does hurt, but in a different way to other pain, and the pain soon goes. I would guess this is something similar to what your daughter is experiencing.
When I was first diagnosed and I was told I had severe narrowing of my TI due to inflammation, I basically had no symptoms, including no pain. I definitely think it's possible, although in your DD's case it sounds like there is pain and she either doesn't know how to process it or doesn't know how to communicate it.
I only have pain with something I ate gave me severe gas! Oh man that is some pain, like having contractions. The other night I had Red Robin and that places hurts my tummy. I sat through a movie and the drive home in severe pain. It's not the gas were you can let alittle out and your's severe pain were you need to have a bowel movement with it. I know that sounds weird but thats how I noticed mine.
I hear you on that one. Isaac doesn't seem to feel much pain with his colitis. Sometimes he does, and he indicates so, but for the most part he doesn't. We ask ourselves similar questions, especially when he was younger and really didn't talk much at all yet, but now he can communicate pain quite specifically and I think he just really doesn't have much pain presenting.
I never had pain either...until my sigmoid colon ruptured. Then there was major pain...and my stoma was born :) Turned out to be a good thing...but not really pertinent to your
In my 20 years before diagnosis I got use to the gut pain. In fact, when I had my surgery last fall I did not need much in the way of pain medication. The nurses gave me hell for not using the morphine pump like I should. I did not use it much because I did not feel the need. My Doc thought it was possible that my nerves in the abdomen had basically been shut down so I did not feel the pain anymore. I have never heard of that before.

I have had major pain with obstructions, but with that exception, not a lot of pain.
Well I don't get much pain now. But if she's falling to the ground and holding her stomach.. and then after that ends up going to the toilet.. I wouldn't be surprised if she was in pain.

Maybe she just doesn't want to tell you because she doesn't like you worrying about her or fussing over her? When I was younger and got bad pain, I used to go to the toilet for relief but also just because it was easier to deal with it in there alone. I didn't like it when my parents would always knock on the door asking if I was ok when they heard me crying out in pain because I knew that in a little while, I'd be ok again.

Maybe try having a quiet word with her when she seems completely fine and ask her is she gets pain sometimes and explain that you just want to know so you can try and make her better?

I could be completely wrong though!
Hey Angie,

If you are concerned about missing something perhaps you could try using one of the non verbal pain scales with Izzi. I use them quite regularly in my line of work and they are very effective, all you have to do is observe...


The descriptions under the faces is a bit hard to read...

Green face - Alert, smiling.

White face - Serious, no humour, flat.

Blue face - Peppered brow, pursed lips, breath holding.

Brown face - Wrinkled nose, raised upper lip, rapid breathing.

1st Red face - Slow blink, open mouth.

2nd Red face - Eyes closed, moaning, crying.

Dusty. xxx
She is super mature in ways...she communicates very well and always has, so I am inclined to think that if it DOES hurt, she doesn't want to complain about it. Then again, when anything ELSE hurts she doesn't hesitate to let me know LOL!

Thanks for the pain scale Dusty...we used in in the hospital and it worked well. Maybe I could try that. She was able to point to her pain level on it.

Misty-we've discussed her disease at length with her and in multiple settings; I may ask her therapist to prod a bit too to see if she'll open up to her. I'm not sure if I actually TOLD her that I'd like to give her something for pain if she IS having it...maybe that will help (help too much-she LOVES motrin!

Troy-thanks-maybe younger kiddos can present differently? I have read a lot on here about pain and am thankful in one sense but worried that I am not doing enough in another.
Alright, I'll quit my worrying...thanks for putting up with me! :)
I would think that if she is doubling over and collapsing to the ground, she is getting hit with a sudden intense pain that is relieved by the bathroom visit. That does sound like a typical Crohn's symptom to me. Those are the pains I get, and bad enough can send me to the ER.

I really hate the thought of youngsters like izzie having this disease. :stinks:
I have never had any pain, aside from my 3 hemorrhages where I felt like death warmed over from losing so much blood. Even then, it was'nt truly "pain" just a horrible feeling of being nauseous, weak, etc. I am NOT normal though......but are any of us? ;-).
I only feel pain when I'm on the toilet during a flare-up. Even then, the pain only occurs 60% of the time.

I felt no pain during the 4 hemorrhages in my colon. Each time I nearly bled to death, but there was no pain.