Anyone's kiddos on Bentyl?

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Aug 8, 2011
My son has been on Apriso for nearly 2 years with virtually no symptoms....he began growing again and feeling good....then he out of the blue began having a burning in his abdomen that he described as a heart-burn feeling but all across his midsection.

We visited the GI and they did an ultrasound...and prescribed Bentyl....he was on the Bentyl 4x a day and for about 2 weeks and then began experiencing gut wrenching pain....debilitating pain...we were on vacation and took him to the ER after 2 days of no sleep or food due to his pain level....they did a CT scan and found nothing....his GI is not concerned either??

We were told to continue the bentyl and never given any reason or diagnosis for his pain? Could it have been the Bentyl?? Anyone's kiddo have a similar experience on this med? His pain has resolved....but still no clue what all of that was?!

(son dx with Crohn's in terminal ileum 2010)
Apriso .375 x2
Bentyl 10mc x4
Caltrate x1
multivitamin x1
Pediasure x1
Bentyl is an antispasmodic
Ds was taking it.
iT can reduced abdominal spasms and pain due to IBS or colicky gut in some crohn's patients.
It can cause constipation.
DS just stopped his since it didnt stop his abdominal pain at all.
My daughter just started using Bentyl on a PRN basis. I give it to her before physical activity (at this point even a trip to the store is a workout for her). I'm not sure if it is helping but I'm trying to be optimistic. We haven't noticed any side effects but she's only had a few doses.
A's prescription allows for every 6 hours as well but that's 4 times a day. We haven't given more than one dose a day though. I'm not sure if it could be contributing to her fatigue. Do your kiddos get tired from the Bentyl? Does it cause drowsiness?
Periactin never made her drowsy. Neither has Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, or Singulair. Can Prednisone at higher doses make one fatigued? Or maybe it is just the flare and not a medication at all.......

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