Approached with ostomy to rest fistulae

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May 31, 2012
Ontario Canada
Hi everyone,

I have had crohn's disease since 2001 and been dealing with abscesses and fistulae in my recto vaginal septum since 2006. Started remicade in 2002 or so and had a reaction and stopped in 2008. The reaction scared me and it took me a while to bite the bullet and try Humira but have been on that since Dec 2011. I currently have a seton stitch from my rectum to my perineum and another tract draining beside it with no seton. Saw my surgeon and we are now talking temporary ostomy as she thinks it would help to rest the area and aid in healing. I'm to think about it for a few weeks. I see her point as I have been dealing with this for quite some time but am finding myself hesitant. Looking for feedback please and thanks!
Hi smallfry

If you're open to it, a temporary ostomy might not be such a bad idea. It would definitely give your lower area a bit of time to rest and get some healing time in before a reversal.

You might want to head over to the 'Stoma' subforum...there are other folks there who have had temporary ostomy's and you might find some help in reading some of the threads.

It's not an easy decision and I wish you the very best as you try to work out what's best for you. Do you have any idea what's causing you to hesitate? I realize surgery is a pretty big step...

Take care,

Thanks Kismet!

I will head over to the stoma threads...

I've been wondering if it would help for a while now but am worried that it would cause extra problems in the long run. I find things are fairly calm other than this darn abscess/fistula issue. But this issue has gone on far too long!
Hi Smallfry,
I am in a similar boat. Suffering from perianal horseshoe fistula for almost 4 years now. I have 3 draining setons and have been on Remicade, 6 MP and it still won't close up. At this point my doctor is suggesting a stoma to try and rest the area. I have also heard that after a stoma some patients get a flap to try and close up the hole... not sure if that's something they've mentioned to you. This fistula seems to be the only Crohn's issue (the rest of my GI track seems fine and surgeon said no proctitis). I will likely wait until the fall since we are about to move and I want to get settled before having another procedure. Good luck and post updates on how it goes.

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