A member recently asked,
Tolulope O. Falaiye, MD is a pediatric gastroenterologist Hershey/Penn State IBD Center.
In regards to the question, Dr. Falaiye stated:
Thank you to Dr. Falaiye for her time and expertise!
Tolulope O. Falaiye, M.D. of the Penn State Hershey Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center took time out of her busy schedule to answer this question. A little about Dr. Falaiye:Some processed foods and supplements have a host of artificial ingredients and fillers with hard to pronounce agents. Are there any that are potentially problematic and should be avoided for those with IBD?

Tolulope O. Falaiye, MD is a pediatric gastroenterologist Hershey/Penn State IBD Center.
In regards to the question, Dr. Falaiye stated:
The kinds of foods for an IBD patient to avoid depend on where they have disease, if the disease is active, how severe the disease is, if they have strictures and if they have an ostomy. There is no specific scientific evidence of processed foods and supplements causing IBD flares, however, there are not enough research studies about this topic. A patient’s best resort is to listen to their body, identify foods that trigger their symptoms and avoid those foods.
A patient with strictures needs to avoid high fiber foods, vegetable and/or fruit skins, seeds and nuts as these could cause an obstruction which could require surgery. These foods would also likely cause more symptoms in a patient who has extensive small bowel inflammation or severe inflammation.
The CCFA held a webinar addressing questions about diet in IBD and popular diets found online. Here are the slides: http://www.ccfa.org/assets/pdfs/food-for-thought-nutrition-slides.pdf
The CCFA has a great chart with food suggestions for patients with an ostomy, found at: http://www.ccfa.org/assets/pdfs/food_ref_card.pdf
Thank you to Dr. Falaiye for her time and expertise!