Are these typical symptoms for Crohn's?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 18, 2017
All of these symptoms started 6 years ago almost immediately after I swallowed first pill of Isotretinoin (Accutane) (although I also have a long history of antibiotic use prior to Isotretinoin):

- very foul smelling, large and loose stools (not watery though), usually 1-2 BM per day, sometimes 1 BM per 2 days

- very loud stomach gurgling (almost exclusively at night while lying down, and particularly in the lower left side of my colon)

- fat, fructose (especially apple juice), lactose, inulin, seem to make things MUCH worse

- sometimes nausea (usually in the morning)

- bad breath

- I have no pain, no fever, but mucus is sometimes visible

- My bilirubin is a bit raised, but still within norm

Is anyone else here with similar experience?
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Everyone's symptoms are a little different. I have had some of the foul smelling bms,the gurgling and the nausea. I am also intolerant to lactose. I wiuld get checked out.

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