Are you a Lefty or Righty (Believe it or not, Crohn's Related!)

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Are you a Lefty or a Righty?

  • Lefty!

    Votes: 58 21.2%
  • Righty!

    Votes: 215 78.8%

  • Total voters
Get outta town! Really? It's Crohn's related? Far out. Thanks for the link, btw, I've got to read Amazing. It'll be interesting to see how this poll progresses!

Funny thing is, I am a righty now, but until I was 11 or 12 when I broke my left wrist, I was ambidextrious (I doubt I spelled that right). My left arm was in a cast for so long, I lost the ability to use my left hand for writing.

Now I'm wondering....if I'd never broken my left wrist, given that I have Crohn's, would I be predominately a lefty now, or a righty? Hmmmmmmm..? There's something else for me to wonder about. This one is right up there with "what came first, the chicken or the egg" (My own personal opinion is that the chicken came first..ha)
Yeah I kinda figured that since there were only 2 votes so far and it was split 50/ Sorry, I can be a smarta$$ at times.
ReeRee said:
Yeah I kinda figured that since there were only 2 votes so far and it was split 50/ Sorry, I can be a smarta$$ at times.

Please, please! Sarcasm is a love of mine! :D
Jyarmo, I think I've found a friend.........heehee. I am fond of the sarcasm too! And a good pun or two when the situation calls for
I am a simple, boring righty. But I guess already it seems like their is a larger than normal amount of people who are lefties.

Funny how something so simple could be related to this all.
Add another lefty to the list :).

That was an interesting article. Lefties having an advantage in some sports was not too surprising to me, but a lot of the other information in that article was.
To write i'm a play softball, tennis, and golf, i'm a does that make me a Cronhic Crohnie...hmm, something for me to ponder this weekend.
Ah, yet another Zen question.... Let me know if you figure it out. Then you can start on my Zen
Ok, this my not totally make sense but it's due to my lack of explaining it any better.....
Lefties only make up 10-13 percent of the population. Which makes us in the ballpark of a 9/1 ratio or rights vs. lefties. So for every one of the lefties vote would be equal 9 votes for righties. So even though the vote as of right now is 14 to 7 in favor of the rigthers if you take up into consideration of the 10 of us population you can turn the 7 votes into 63 for lefties to 14 righters.
Basically I am mathmatically making stating for ever 10 righter handers with crohns equals 1 left with it... Yeah I was always bad at math.

Am I making any sense? Does anyone know what I am saying?
I think I get what you are saying :).

The point I get from it is that while Righties still outnumber Lefties on the poll, the difference is quite different compared to the difference between the lefties and righties normally in the rest of the world.
Yeah, what Kossy said...:confused: :p I got the point of what you said, yeah, sure I did.

I have a headache now........
Yeah, that's what I am saying. It's kind of like the "big picture" and praportions.

and I have a headache too now.
After reading this thread I too have a headache! lol

I'm a lefty for writing on paper.
I'm a lefty and a righty for playing golf.
I'm a righty when it comes to playing sport.
I write right handed on a blackboard or whiteboard.

I'm also ambidextrous when it comes to writing on paper.

Hmmmmmm....where does that put me then? Am I left of centre or right of left? Do I swing both ways? lol

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
cagfire said:
After reading this thread I too have a headache! lol

I'm a lefty for writing on paper.
I'm a lefty and a righty for playing golf.
I'm a righty when it comes to playing sport.
I write right handed on a blackboard or whiteboard.

I'm also ambidextrous when it comes to writing on paper.

Hmmmmmm....where does that put me then? Am I left of centre or right of left? Do I swing both ways? lol

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Soooo which hand do you use to tie your shoes?!?!?!? That will tell which "true" handed you are. As for the question if you swing both ways.... It just doesn't matter which side of the plate you stand on as long as you don't strike out.
Kossy said:
Soooo which hand do you use to tie your shoes?!?!?!? That will tell which "true" handed you are. As for the question if you swing both ways.... It just doesn't matter which side of the plate you stand on as long as you don't strike out.

Uhhh...don't you use both hands to tie your shoes or am I not as advanced as everyone??? :(
Im a righty too!
(I bet driving on the left side of the road can cause some of those problems! lol)
I can go both ways.........;-0 (I cannot believe he said that!!!!)
When writing, or playing sports. When I was 16, I was in a auto accident which took out my right hand for a while.
Yep I''m a righty too but my dad is left handed and so is my son, although neither of them have crohns. . . .so thats probably not relevant. . . .right????

So far, it looks like they are as full of it as Crohn's patients are.

As one of my favorite quotes goes:
84.9% of all statistics are made up on the spot. (of course, that number was just made up as I typed it)

Or to paraphrase my Public Speaking teacher, "Statistics can be twisted to validate anyone's argument and for that reason should never be used to validate your arguments."

You could interview 10 people and if 6 of them are left handers and have any one of those problems you can say that there's a 60% likelihood of lefthanders having those issues, even though you only interviewed 10 people out of the millions on the planet.

Oh and, I'm a lefty. ;)
OK, lefty here.. I write, draw, doodle etc with my left hand, despite being strapped for a week by my extremely strait laced and highly religious 2nd grade teacher who was completely convinced being left handed was a sign of the devil. My father put a stop to that once I confided in my parents what was happening. The good ole days!
As for sporting, recreational or other activities, I do that mostly right handed. WHY? Left handed tools, sporting equipment, etc., were rare and very hard to come by. It was also partly 'monkey see, monkey do'. You subconsciously emulate what others do.. They say that since a right handed person is controlled by their left brain, only left handed people are in their right mind. However, since language overlaps a lot of things, stereotypes of left handed people aren't very flattering. For example, Latin root for left is 'sinistre', and the French term for left is gauche, so lefties thru the ages have been considered sinsiter, gauche, or devil worshipers
Who sits on the right hand of God? Would you rather be right on or left out? Me? I'd like to have the money to buy a pair of left handed scissors for every 'rightie' in the world out there, then sit back and watch them go out of their left sided minds trying to use them... Am I right, or what? eer, maybe that should be left or what?
One final thought.. and consider the source.. I've heard that there are any number of people, for reasons too complex to go into here, who actually aren't really using their correct hand.. A rightie who's adopted a left handed approach, or vice versa. They say there is one sure fire method of determining whether you are actually using the hand you were destined/designed to use... EVEN if you unintentionally switched.

How? Welll, it's rather a delicate subject, but considering what is covered on this site I'll venture to mention it. To know for sure which hand you are supposed to be using, answer the following rather 'blunt' question. When you use the toilet, which hand do you use to clean yourself with, without even thinking about it???

Left??? OR Right???

Wanna know the correct response???

Don't cheat. Don't look up the BEST answer till you've given your own answer 1st


Me, I use toilet paper
hehe! Another fun fact about left handers.

The practice of offering your right hand in friendship was to show that you were offering your weapon hand to clasp another's weapon hand, which was a sign of good faith. Well, left-handers are indeed sinistre as their weapon hand is the opposite of the one presented to clasp the right hand of an opponent. ;)

The Main Gauche (there's that word again), a long-bladed knife-like weapon, usually with a basket hilt, was a weapon used in the left hand of a swordsman versed in the florentine style.
I was left handed untill i was four then apparently switched to right handed.But i am really ambi.My daughter is left handed.
I've read some literature on the subject of children who were left handed and then
switched.. but who weren't ambidexterous. Consensus is that children who did a switch have some interesting long term side effects... many develop a rare form of learning disability.. they typically will display a very mild form of dyslexia (not a case where most or all letters/numbers get reversed, but only the odd one/two), but will have a form of learning dsylexia where verbal statements/sentences are correctly interpreted, but written statements are interpreted to mean the opposite

Like, when told that a green traffic light means it is safe to proceed, that they get ok. but if they were to read that a red traffic light means it is not ok to proceed, a number of them will mis-interpret it to mean that a red light means it is ok to go..
My example is both an oversimplification and poor example, but its about the gist of it.. No one is sure why this switch of hands during the formative years causes these issues, as they are just now starting to discover these issues and make a connection with dominant hand switching.. and no one has a quick cure for it yet.
lol this is a joke of course more people are going to have crohns if they are right handed, since over-all there are more people in the world right handed then left, and im a lefthanded person
Based on that apparently logical assumption, then approx. 10% of people with IBD should be lefties... same as the general population. But, if you notice our little straw poll, seems to be closer 19%... echoing what mikeyarmo said. Coincidence? Maybe?
Then again...
Let me help you out here, Kossy ...

If the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then
Left handed people are the only ones in their right minds!

BTW, I'm a leftie too. And we are a little bit crazy because we're forced to live in a predominately right-handed world! :emot-dance:

Obviously the majority of people will be writing with their right hand, but almost 20% of the voters are left-handed so far, that's quite much. Maybe there is some truth in the research!
I voted righty! I write with my right hand, really awful with my left. But I can do pretty much any other task with either hand.
Im a rightie and just for the record another "statistic" that went horriably wrong I suppose.... I love proving people wrong, glad to see we are doing such a great job of it on here lmao! :tongue:
Im not the best with math but I do see what you are saying and even though math was and is far from my best subject I'd have to agree. 16.9% of the people here being left handed could very well prove that left handed people seem to have higher odds.
i am mainly wait I am always right, just don't ask my
I am slightly ambidextrous too!
Bump!! EJ's a lefty and I saw this quote from the book that Mike promotes....

Lefties are twice as likely to have IBD compared with righties...

the results of this poll so far at least don't seem to back that up but I'm still curious.

In many regards, EJ is ambidextrous. He plays guitar and bats right-handed.
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im a lefty too...but i play golf with right handed clubs weird or what...

A bit like Jimi Hendrix. Left handed, but he played a right handed guitar upside down and with the strings in the reverse order. Obviously had no adverse impact on his playing, so don't try using this to increase your handicap :D
I'm a righty but most of the people in my family are lefties. I'm one of the few righties and the only one in my family with bowel issues.
I'm sure we've had this thread before!
David just reminded me, cos I play guitar left handed too, and someone sent me a photo of Jimi Hendrix playing upside down! Was it you David!
Anyway the only thing I can do is write right handed, everything else is left! Both my kids are lefties too!
I'm sure we've had this thread before!
David just reminded me, cos I play guitar left handed too, and someone sent me a photo of Jimi Hendrix playing upside down! Was it you David!
Anyway the only thing I can do is write right handed, everything else is left! Both my kids are lefties too!

Oh yeah, I do remember that

I'm right handed

I remember seein on a tv show an reading somewere about there being a form of brain damage or something that causes left handed people

apparently it's nothin bad but they say everyone is meant to be right handed, but somehow something happens to cause ppl to be left handed

how they come up with that theory beats me but someone else may have seen or read this too an may fill in the blanks
I remember seein on a tv show an reading somewere about there being a form of brain damage or something that causes left handed people

Just what the left handed people want to hear Rob! :ylol2:

Dusty. :)
I'm a righty only for writing/painting. Everything else I do left-handed. The teacher made me write with my right hand as a kid.
Interesting! I claim to be a righty because that is mainly what I use. I discovered that I am almost ambidexterous when I was in elementary school. My mother thought I was going to be left-handed, but she is right-handed and kept switching items to my right hand. There are some things that I do much better left-handed. I'm confused as to what I'm supposed to be, so I'll just say righty for now.
Lefty! Anytime I'm not good at something I blame it on being left-handed. Now I have one more thing to blame it for!
well if there is supposed to be a ratio of 9 rightys to 1 lefty in the real world and yet in here nearly 1 in 4 of us are lefties that is statistically impressive
Right Handed, but use to be a switch hitter in baseball and could play Tennis with both hands. I really doubt handedness has anything to do with Crohn's.
Interesting to note,
Although I am a rightie most of the time, I can still do some things like playing golf, squash, cricket and other tasks using both right or left.
I'm a righty so guess I buck the trend. Just plain awkward I guess.
1st symptoms 1983
Diagnosed 1985
1997 Right Hemicolectomy & Resection
2002 Laperotomy & Resection
2010 Laproscopic Ileocolic Resection

Been on Azathioprine & Pred

Currently on Entocort 3mg every other day
Humira 40mg every two weeks
Pentasa 4gm daily
3mthly B12 Jabs
Interesting! Approximately 10% of the general population is left handed.
But 20% of the board's population is.
That's double the general population. That's pretty significant...
Interesting! Approximately 10% of the general population is left handed.
But 20% of the board's population is.
That's double the general population. That's pretty significant...

agreed, id say there is definitely cause fr further investigation, i was trying to make that point before.