Hello! I have browsed the forum for a while but this is my first post I have been diagnosed with Crohn's since 2009 which has been very active until about 6 months ago. An endoscopy, colonoscopy, and pill cam indicate there is no active Crohn's at this point (REMISSION YAY! :biggrin But of course, it is never that simple. Starting right after all of those scopes I started to have low grade fevers (99-101) that persisted for about 6 weeks accompanied by intense joint pain. Literally every inch of my body hurt, but my spine seemed to be the worst of it all. The fatigue was unlike anything I have ever experienced. It was hard to lift my head off the pillow and some days I would sleep 18+ hours with no relief. It seems the situation is not as extreme at this point although all of the symptoms I described are still present. My back pain seems to be getting worse with each day to the point that I can't sit for more than 10 minutes. I am getting conflicting medical information from the doctors I am seeing. So far three doctors (my g.i. doc included) have told me that Crohn's arthritis only flares with the Crohn's. A new rheumy is telling me that is a bunch of b.s. and everything I am experiencing sounds like uncontrolled inflammation from the Crohn's. She is considering readjusting my Crohn's medications or adding another immunosuppressant to the mix which is why I really want to understand how this all works. I have FINALLY, after much trial and error, found a combination of medications that has lead to remission and I am hesitant to mess with it. My question to everyone is have you experienced arthritis during remission? If so was it related to your Crohn's or something seperate? Thank you so much for your advice!