I'm so sorry you have to and had to go through all that. None of the crohns meds help with the arthritis like pains and lack of energy?
Thanks. Prednsone helps my pain. They don't like to give it to me anymore (I am already having problems with the gel in my eyes), but I have been thinking of trying to get on it again. I take Budesonide and pain killers. Everthing else they gave me for crohn's made me worse. My problem has never been a lack of energy, up until lately, but I am into my 50's now. I think the fact that I have always been high strung probably made it that much harder for me to deal with this disease appropriately. But truely, no matter what I do I am in constant pain. It migrates thoughout the body. I have learn to live with it, but there are areas it's settles into that are much worse than other. Here is a link to tell you a bit about it.
I just hope you get yours under control. Crohn's can do lots of bad things, not just make you tummy hurt. It can get a person from anus to lips with ulcer, to fistulas. (I had a fistula at my stoma site). It can give you sores on your body (I have had them on my legs). It can give you Crohn's artrithtis (you already know this) It can effect your eyes (and not just from the meds). and I am sure some other things I have not listed.
My point is, take it serious. If you smoke stop, if you drink, stop or slow down, if you are overdoing it, try to slow down. The shitty thing is, we don't always have choices in some of what is going on in our lives. I am a man, but I stayed home and raised my two daughters. I used to have to get cordizone shot in my shoulders because I had to be able to lift my children. My shoulders hurt me on and off for nearly 10 years, and still do. But, once I didn't have to lift the girls, give the great dad shoulder rides, or pick them up just to move them along, my shoulder started feeling better after a few years.
Anyways. I am not trying to scare you. I wouldn't trade my life for anything. But, that is just cause I am so great.
But, aren't we all?!
Learn to listen to your body. Look into all the possible outcomes with med givien to you. Sometime they make things worse, that is why you need to listen to you body. Read up on this disease as much as you dare. I used to know so much about the diease, but at a certain point you have to live the life you have, that, and information changes over time. In some ways this disease had made me more than I would have ever been in my healthy life.
It's all good.
Peace and love.
ps. keep an eye on the barometer, you may find that you can feel when it is rising and falling from it's normal postion for your area (our area average is 30.10), It only has to move a few points to drive up the pain level. You may notice it before it even registers on the barometer. What a world!