Article: Which Diet is Best?

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Good article although i get a bit tired of that old "we don't know what out ancestors ate" crap
They ate anything they could find that wouldn't kill them (or in tough times anything that wouldn't kill them quickly).
There just weren't that many twinkie trees and the soy protien isolate hunts hardly every caught anything in those days

Denice Minger's book "Death by Food Pyramid" is pretty good too.
After a pretty thorough critique of SAD diet advice for the past 40 years it compares Paleo, Raw Vegan and Mediterranean diets, looking for good and bad in all of them.
Real food is the key, all that is left is to squabble about what 'real' means
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I agree, Hugh, although I wonder if people at that time would have milked animals if they knew how to. Anyway, the more that I research different eating lifestyles, the more annoyed I get when I read folks writing, "If you indulge in 'insert relatively controversial food", you are not truly so-and-so". I just read "Paleoista", and the author is probably the most condescending person ever.

I like the reading and research, but in the end, I know I am just going to eat what works for my body. Thank you for the book suggestion though; I am going to see if it's available at the library after I am done reading "The Perfect Health Diet".
I am actually doing really well with the acupuncturist I am seeing now. She put me on a restricted diet and gave me herbs, and I have been feeling so much better lately. I will definitely check out Weston Price though, just because I find the information about food and health fascinating. Plus, it's always nice to find people who are going through similar stuff.