Aussie, 21, diagnosed in Oct this year, struggling.

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 12, 2014
Hi there!

I've been reading the forums since I was diagnosed in October but decided that today I would actually sign up and get involved myself.

I think what pushed me was being told I had to take prednisone the other day, and I've just started that. So to say I'm scared might be a bit of an understatement.

I was just wondering how everyone else deals with it? I mean, I cannot tell you how many outings I've said 'no' to, because I'm worried about an attack! :/ It's really putting a strain on my friendships and being so young, it's something I really worry about.

Also being a female and it being Summer in Australia, does anyone else wear tights or at the very least worry about wearing a dress?! I don't know, I think I'm dealing with it in the wrong way lol.

Anyway, sorry about the crazy long title. I tried to fit a much as I could! And really, I'm just here to say hi! And I'll probably be asking more questions than answering them for the time being!

It's also great to hear from people who are going through the same thing. IRL, there isn't many places I can go to!

Thanks for reading :)

Hi Mal Welcome to the forum

I am the mum of a 19 year old girl dx with Crohn's as a 16 year old.

We are from outer Southeastern Melbourne.
Another Aussie ey, hello from Queensland!
Sorry to hear you're struggling ATM, try not to be too stressed, once things get under control and you get into a stable remission you won't be worrying about what to wear etc, being diagnosed so recently I imagine you're still quite unwell? Once you get your meds under control you will be feeling a lot better, this disease does suck but with the right treatment you will be back to the old you!

Onto a different topic, where abouts in aus are you?
Welcome Mal

Glad you decided to join the forum.Yeah,being diagnosed can be scary.You will be able to have a social life.Do your friends you like to hang out with know about your Crohn's Disease? Do you feel comfortable about telling them why you may be apprehensive about going out?

We may have to put a bit more thought into doing something,but it doesn't mean we can't do it.In my humble opinion. :ybiggrin:
Hi Catherine!
Wow, diagnosed at 16? That would have been really tough. I couldn't imagine being diagnosed that young!

Hi rollinstone!
I'm from Canberra :) I'm actually not too bad at the moment. After September it quietened down for a bit which was good, but it's still a bit up in the air. My first major flare up started in June, but I wasn't diagnosed until October, which isn't too bad. I hope I won't be worrying about what to wear for too much longer! But I still think about it every time I go out. Just to be on the safe side.

Hi Dave!
Only my best friend knows. I haven't told anyone else, and I guess it's because I don't want to bog them down with it. I know it wouldn't change anything, but it's not exactly a topic you run around telling people :)
I'm glad you can confide in your best friend. I agree with you,it is not something I go around telling people.I do let the people I am closest to know about my CD.I don't fill them in on all the details how CD affects me.They know there are times I won't be able take them up on an invitation,they may not know why specifically,but they know it is for a valid reason.

Good luck!
Hi Malicious!

I'm a 21 yr old female from Sydney and as bad as it is, it's nice to have others alike that are going through the same thing. I only just got diagnosed in May this year.
Honestly this forum is so great, everyone is so lovely, supportive and educated about endless topics that come up day to day.
As someoen mentioned previously, telling other people is a personal preference but for myself, worked wonders. I tried to keep it fairly quiet as I didn't want the whole sympathy thing, though there'll be times where you'll need it.

At any time though, I'm more than happy to chat :)
How are you feeling since started Prednisone? I hope better!

Welcome to club no one wants to join!the number one thing to remember even though it's early days for you is,it gets better and with minor and sometimes not so minor alterations to lifestyle you,ll be fine.there,s loads of things you do which help a lot keep a food diary and avoid triggers,exercise really helps if you feel well enough,stress is really bad for crohns so try not to worry as the worry makes it worse!i found that that being regimented with taking medication helped,if it's 9am for that pill it's always 9 am and long term I,m sure there will be an answer to crohns,there's a lot of money being flung at it world wide some will stick.good luck all the best
Hi Lara!
Yeah, I find I don't have anyone around me going through the same thing, and it's hard to talk to people about it who don't fully understand. They try to, which is great, but there's just so much stuff that goes through my mind about it, that it's hard to get my head around it all.
I'm actually finding that prednisone isn't working much :/ It's making me sick every morning without fail but today was only my 6th day of taking it, so maybe it hasn't kicked in yet. At least I've had no troubles sleeping! Ha ha.

Hi Axel!
Thank you for your advice. Problem is, is that I'm a natural, born worrier! I worry about things all the time and even though I know it makes it worse...that just makes me worry and stress more! It's a vicious cycle, unfortunately.
I'm a worrier too hah, it's definitely counter productive, but as time goes on you'll worry less and once you get it under control you'll feel much more relaxed. Has your specialist got you starting any other meds soon?
Hi Rollinstone,
I don't think I'll ever be able to worry less lol. It's in my genes! No, they haven't got me on anything else. I take stuff for a reflux thing, but it's not really related I don't think. I've been taking that for about a month.
Paging DustyKat, for advise because I believe there should be a maintenance medication.

Prednisone is good at getting people in to remission, but it doesn't keep them there.
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No, there hasn't been any talk about other medication. I'm taking prednisone until I see him in February and that's when we'll talk about it, I'm guessing. But I'm finding this stuff is making me worse. Maybe it just hasn't kicked in yet, I'm not sure.

I'm so annoyed, the other day I was feeling bad but I put it down to stress. I managed to go out and do the things I needed to and I was fine.
Then last night I was feeling truly awful and it's continued all day. I had to call in sick for work and everything. And I've been in bed all day sick. Like, really sick. I just don't get how I can go up and down like that.
And I'm going down the coast soon and instead of being excited, I'm worried about the car trip. :pale:

Sorry, needed to rant :frown:
Hi Malicious and :welcome:

I am so very sorry to hear of your diagnosis and what you are experiencing. :ghug:

I am a Mum of two kids with Crohn’s, diagnosed at 14 years and 17 years, and we live up on the Northern Tablelands.

Where is your Crohn’s located?

What would normally happen when you are given Prednisone is you are also started on something like Imuran. How this works is the Prednisone is designed/supposed to hit the inflammation hard and fast at the outset and induce remission. The downfall with the Pred is that it is not meant to be a long term drug and so shouldn’t be used as a maintenance medication. Now, the issue with Imuran is that it takes about 3-6 months to reach full therapeutic levels and Prednisone is a drug that needs to be tapered so a course is about 8-12 weeks. That is how the two complement each other, as one is finishing the other is ready step in and take over.

Dusty. xxx
Wow! Other Aussies on the same page! I don't know about Crohn's being connected to an autoimmune condition, but Typhlis definitely is.

Where in Australia are the Typhlitis's located?

Also, don't forget the gasto stop for the runs

Feeling bad? Ohhhh do I know it! Lots of appointments cancelled last minute, travel plans cancelled, and the bed is beckoning to you because that is as far as you can get. Holding something against the lower abdomen right side, hoping the pressure will relieve the pain! Doesn't work. Okay have to admit to the pain pills. Tremedol, still no relief. Okay, Jurnista 8mgs and a bit of relief, but eliminates driving. Also, seams appear to be crocked when trying to sew. Recipes do not quite come out like the picture, But the pain is at a minimum! Taking medication as indicated by the doctor, specialist 2 hours away. Local GP admits to knowing nothing about the condition. So, a lot of faith, prayer, hope and good husband help to keep somewhat of a balance in the house. So what if the floors need a vacumn, dishes washed once a day, laundry once a week, who cares? I do of course but this is a whole new life style for me. Glad to have a good husband, a good doctor 2 hours away, as long as I get some pain relief. That is the best of all! Good luck to all those suffering, we know it is not fun! Wonder if any doctors have had Crohn's or Typhlitis? would BE GREAT TO HEAR FROM THEM.
Hi Malicious :bigwave:

Another Aussie here - I'm from the coast of Victoria, out of Geelong. I started having symptoms of Crohn's in my teens and am now 71, so have lived with it for a long time and through many different stages.

The great thing about this Forum is that you can talk about those things that are hard to talk about with people who haven't experienced what you are going through. And you can call on the knowledge and experience of those who have gone before. :)
Hi Malicious :D
This is my first time posting too eeek!
I'm 19 and like you was diagnosed in October too but have been on Prednisone since then, 40 mg first and now I'm tapering, currently at 15 mg, honestly don't be scared of it, I went from being in horrid pain and totes terrified of leaving the house incase I had to go to the bathroom, to now being pain free (so far) and now able to do normal things thanks to the Pred! yay for medicine! :dusty:
Well done for joining OP and nova - i spent about 2 weeks lurking on this forum before i had the guts to join and it really is a good place to utilise if nothing else for sanity reasons.
It really is mind boggling when you are none the wiser to the condition and this forum has heaps of people who 'get it' and tons of collective knowledge.

The best start i had was just being very nosey at everyones My Story threads.
It just gives you that overall clarity on how the condition affects everyone and it makes you realise that we all have to deal with exactly the same problems the condition causes on a quality of life level - I can honestly say that I also feel nervous about going out like I used to be able to for fear of my condition causing me problems while out. Many others are the same but some on here manage to push themselves and work around it with success.

It is those kind of stories that will keep the worriers like us sane and inspire us to not give up so easily and to try not to worry too much but just do what you can when you can.

I honestly envy every one of you Crohnies in Oz as you couldnt live in a better spot on the planet - Professor Tom Borody is leading the way in Western Medicine regarding understanding the condition and it seems that all western medical eyes are watching his work to gain more understanding into how the condition can be dealt with.

Wish i lived in Oz with this condition.
Hi Dusty!
I'm taking the prednisone until I see the specialist again, and then we'll talk about what medication I have to be on, I suppose. Thank you for your insight, I didn't know that's how it all worked but I knew I can't be on prednisone forever. Not that it's doing anything lol.

Is it unusual for it to be taking so long to kick in? I've been on it for a week and 3 days but I don't think it's working. That or my worry is making things worse.

Hi Susan!
Thank you, and I'll definitely be around the forums to chat. I'm learning a lot. And the support has been great.

Hi Nova!
I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better :) I started on 25 and I'm down to 20, but I'm finding it's not working for me :/ I'm not sure if it's just taking it's time lol. How long were you on prednisone before it started working for you? (though I realise that every body is different).
Ha ha, I'm still scared of leaving the house. Which is terrifying, but I'm sure things will improve.
I would be trying to contact your specialist as prednisone should have started to work by now. The dose rate may not have been high enough.
Hi Malicious
Have you tried GASTRO STOP? It stops the runs and loose stools. You get bananas instead.

Also, I would not wait until Feb to get answers. Now days most doctors provide their e-mail address and you can write to him for suggestions. Sometimes it works, but, I'm having difficulty to get responses lately. Too busy..

Although my condition is different from yours, it is similar in all the pain issues and diarrhoea conditions, it was not the prednisone that helped me it was the oral chemo drug that reduced the pain considerably. Except lately pain is returning more frequently, whereby I was able to go a week at a time without pain, then even 10 days, but recently it has returned and the battle is on, but, luckily the diarrhoea is not there. Take care, good luck.
I agree with contacting the specialist to let them know that you aren’t seeing any improvement in your symptoms.

Prednisone is like any other drug in that people respond differently but most do see improvement quite quickly with Pred especially if it is the first time you have you taken it. That said I don’t think my son responded that well to Pred. It’s not that I think it didn’t work him just that it wasn't a magical drug for him, that said I do think it helped stabilise him though.

What dose are you on?

Dusty. xxx
Thank you for your advice everyone.

My specialist is actually on holiday right now. How dare he! Lol. And I won't be able to contact him till mid Jan. But I'm happy to just to take the dose they described - I'm going down by 5 mg every week so I'll see what happens. The dose may not have been high enough, but I'm not sure. I'm currently on 20 mg, I started on 25. But it made me so nauseous that they told me to cut it down.
25mg is not very high, especially if the Crohn's is very active and has been so for some time. The aim is to hit the inflammation hard so that any subsequent medication has more chance of controlling the symptoms.
As Susan has said, 25mg is not very high to be starting out on, 40mg would be a normal staring point and for some it goes up 60mg.

Prednisone can be tough on the stomach. :( Did the doc prescribe a PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) along with it? A PPI is normally used to reduce stomach acid and so treat reflux and stomach ulcers. GI’s often prescribe a PPI along with Pred to reduce/prevent the GI side effects of the drug.

And yes, sucky time of year in all ways to get sick but made worse by the fact that most everyone shuts down for the break. *sigh*

Thinking of you. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
@Malicious Thank u! It was like towards the end of the first week I noticed some normality returning, hmm your dose seems quite low I think, I'm guessing that's maybe why you've not really noticed any improvement (although I'm by no means a doctor lmao so don't take my word for it) but tell your doctor and he/she will probably give you a higher dose or try something else.
Even if pred doesn't work for you, something will and you'll be fab in no time! :hug:
Dear Malicious
As well as working with the specialist, try to have a closer relationship with local GP. Why? I found they fill in the gaps for information and for medication. He can prescribe something for the stomach, and yes something for the nausea.

My specialist has put me onto a nightime stomach medication, also, cortisone 5 mg as a matience medication, including the chemo-drug. I have a feeling something will have to change as meds are not working right now. When I last saw him 3 weeks ago, he said he hoped I had gone into remission. Except the pain has returned like a giant tsunami! Like a few days after I saw him.

Luckly (?) he perscrided additional pain medication, so, now I have about five backup pain meds should I need them?! But, common sense prevails, and I realise that I must start my day with a low dose of pain medication. After yesterday, and the ride I was on, the roller coaster started out with a vengeance, so, pain meds with the morning coffee!

That is chronic inflammatory typhlitis which I'm being treated for.

I'm open to suggestions, even other doctors names in my area just to ensure we are on the right track. I believe it is called "second opinion", except I don't want to offend the treating specialist.

Many thanks to those who are listening to me rant and rave about this condition.
Hi Guys, and Merry Christmas to everyone!

@Dusty - I did have a reflux thing that he said would help but that was the stuff I stopped taking because it made me feel worse.

@nova - thank you! I'm sure something will work eventually. I'm on holidays at the moment and seem to be doing well, so maybe I just need to constantly be on holidays! :roflanim:

Hi Lacey!
I hope you're feeling better and that something will work out for you soon. :hug: and don't ever hesitate to get a second opinion on anything. It's you're body and you're entitled to!

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and are happy and healthy everywhere. :heart:
Hi everyone.
No pain for a few days, which is great. Taking med as prescribed, except no pain meds!:

Chem medication last night, so will wait for continued response. Except I feel cold and shivery in the heat!

Okay if I seek another opinion from another specialist except does it offend the treating doctor? Doesn't he just forward all his reports to new doctor? Saw 7 specialists before this one, and waited about 4 years of various meds until we went on the chemo finally no more pain! So, I think I will sit back for a while and see how it goes.

Have a blessed year everyone and may it be pain free and be fruitful in all your endeavours!
Another Australian here too!

I had a quick read through the thread and I thought I'd pop by and add to it.

I understand completely when you say you don't want others to be sympathetic towards you and the situation your in, I was exactly the same, I didn't want any handouts or sympathy from others. But in letting people know that you have Crohn's it will allow them to understand the situation that you are in.

For example, if my mates have had a couple of big nights out (especially over the New Years / Christmas period) I can't always keep up with them due to the fatigue symptoms, however because they all know what I have to deal with, their completely fine with it, and will often come and hang out with me before going out, etc. If I hadn't have told them this, they might not have been as understanding.

And once all your meds are sorted out, you pain will reduce immensely. Just be patient and know that your doctor will be doing all they can to make sure that you can go back to living a (almost) normal life :)
Hi Spud!
Thanks for your advice. I've actually been pretty good over this Christmas/New Year period. AKA ate pudding without feeling sick (yes! ha ha).
I also read your 'Your Story' thing and I loved your positive attitude :) Especially as it's something I'm still trying to figure out for myself.
Hey and welcome :)

I'm 26 from Adelaide, diagnosed with Crohn's 16 years ago. Unfortunately know exactly how you feel regarding saying no to so many outings etc, it used to really bother me as a teenager/early 20s but you do get used to it eventually. It does suck pulling out of plans at the last minute though, I've done a fair bit of that and it helps having at least a couple of friends who understand what's going on.

Glad to hear you've had a decent Christmas and New Year.
Hi, how about the hairdresser, the dentist, the doctor, physio, ect. Last minute drop outs, some want you to pay for non attendance. Is there any way around that? Also, saw a specialist doctor recently, and asked if I could use the toilet. The receptionist allowed me to, but the doctor bitterly complained to me that is was very smelly and unpleasant! Any suggestions?
Hey lacey2. :ghug:

Re appointments: Unfortunately there isn’t much you can do about that except appeal to their compassionate side. When it comes to illness some will waive the fee but others won’t as it is too late for them to fill that spot so it is lost revenue for them. :(

The toilet: Aside from the fact that it was an exceptionally rude and tactless way to behave, especially from a doctor, are you someone who can speak their mind to someone like that? What I am getting at here is if you can speak up face to face I would tell them exactly what I thought about their opinions. But I fully understand that we all aren’t able to do that and if that is the case I would write or email and voice my displeasure, in no uncertain terms, at what was said.

Dusty. xxx
Hi Mal!

I've just been diagnosed at 21 as well. It's definitely a frightening experience! I find comfort in the fact that there are others at the same age who are going through the same thing. How are you coping?
Hi, stay connected to this site and you will be learning a lot. Although my condition is auto-amune, Typhylis, I find it comforting to know I'm not the only person out there with bowel problems. Lucky you for being diagnoised at this age, you can now work with your doctors. Find the best gastro in your city and follow his advise.

I went approx. 40+ years with pain in my side, always told it was IBS. The pain was getting worse and another specialist referred me to the specialist I'm seeing now. After several years of trying various drugs, he put me on a low dose chemo tablet, and lol! It worked! I can now go for several days without pain, yet, he makes sure I have plenty of pain medication on hand in case of a breakthrough. This doctor doesn't say much, I have to push with my questions, yet he knows what he is doing. My condition is an autoimmune which affected the bowel and causes a permanent inflammation in the cecum. And it could spread. But, good doctor and good medicine helps. Good Luck.
Hi Lost Kitten!
Wow, so were you ten when you were diagnosed? :eek: That's very young. I know, I always feel guilty about having to say 'no' or rescheduling which is what usually happens. Unfortunately it's not just friends, it's work and Uni and everything else as well. I'm so worried that something's going to happen while I'm out, it stresses me out lol - which does't help of course. :shifty-t:

To Lacey,
I'm really sorry to hear what happened to you. I would have been distraught. I agree with Dusty and I would just forget about it. It was rude of him and stupid as well.

Hi MirrorBride!
Welcome! :ghug:
I find comfort in that as well - unfortunately everyone our age (or younger) that I know who has it, has been through this forum. Which is great to talk to people going through the same thing.
It's hard in real life though, when everyone else seems to be perfectly healthy and I'm out like :runaway:
I'm coping ok. Sort of. :) I just try and take it day by day. I think for me at the moment my worst enemy is myself. Worried that something will happen rather than actually being sick.
How are you coping?

Dear Malicious
The members of this forum might not know that a medication which can be purchased over the counter, GASTRO STOP will stop the runs. It can be taken without fear of having the runs when you are out.

And thank you for the note about the rude doctor!
I'm having the same problem! My anxiety is way, way up since diagnosis (which wasn't long ago so I'm hoping it lessens in time) and makes me feel worse! I constantly worry about complications or meds not working, etc. I really am just coping by trying so hard to stay positive, but it's definitely hard.
I know exactly what you're saying! I'm pretty sure prednisone is working as I haven't been having any (or little) of the issues I was having before. But it always crosses my mind when I'm out or when I think about going out.
I plan my day around it happening.
But I am going to the movies with a friend today which I'm looking forward to (I feel like I haven't left the house in ages) and I'm not going to focus on anything Crohn's related lol!
At least I'll try not to!
Staying positive can be a challenge for many of us, especially after a recent diagnosis. It may seem overwhelming at first,but we are able to live a quality life. We may have to adjust and put more thought into what we do, but with some effort, we can still do many things.

I was diagnosed a little over a year ago. I have my good days and bad days. I feel I am starting to live my life a bit more. I was apprehensive about going anywhere for quite awhile. Going out for a meal was non existant. Crohn's was always at the front of my thoughts.

I feel with a proper diagnosis and treatment plan we can lead a quality life. I know this disease can affect us quite severely and acknowledge quality of life is a relative term.

Like I said, I alter my life because of crohn's, but I do go out and do things with 'normal' people. :D
Thanks Dave!
I can definitely relate to not eating out in public! I haven't yet done that since I was sick.
I used to be fine with coffee when I was undiagnosed, so I used to just suggest that, but recently I've gone backwards and I'm almost scared of coffee now too ha ha.
I'm hoping soon things will be back to normal - well relatively :) but it's a slow process.
Thank you for sharing your story and advice. :D
So I thought that I'd just post it here, instead of making a new thread becuase that would be a bit pointless but I'm so annoyed with my body and my mind!

I was feeling totally fine before, when I received a message from a friend asking to hang out. As soon as I read it, I starting thinking about Crohn's and everything wondering if I would be sick out, and then I physically felt sick.

I felt light-headed, I had pains in my stomach and I felt like I was going to be sick.

I told my friend that I couldn't hang out today and it was like, once my body knew it wasn't leaving the house, my symptoms went away.

It was like ghost symptoms or something but I really did feel sick. It's so frustrating!
Does anyone have any ideas on how to overcome it?

YES! I know just what you mean. One of the worst parts of being recently diagnosed, for me, is the anxiety. Sometimes I wonder whether my nausea is from the Crohn's, or just me being afraid of Crohn's. It makes it hard to do things like go to class. It seems like as soon as I feel the slightest cramp or fatigue, I start thinking about the disease and how scared I am about the unknown, and then I start feeling so much sicker.

Honestly, I think what we just have to do is to keep pushing ourselves (in a healthy way) to live normally as much as we can. Maybe to start, having them come to your place for a few hours would make you feel more comfortable? That or, even if you can go and hang out for just an hour, I think that you might find it helps knowing that your time can be short if you start feeling sick.
I did what MirrorBride suggested.I would visit a friend for a short time at first.I was also filled with anxiety about 'what might happen' and who I may be with if it did.I carry a small kit in my vehicle that has extra underwear,a wash cloth,tp,4x4 sterile pads(I have fistulas/setons),hand sanitizer.

My diagnosis and first operation was a little over a year ago.I'm still learning as I go.I'm still pretty new at this and feel like I am finally living my life again.I really do understand the anxiety that goes along with having this disease.The tricky part is not letting the anxiety control you.

Like MirrorBride suggested,do you feel comfortable inviting friends to your place? You would be in a safe and familiar enviroment.Do you friends know anything about Crohn's? Maybe you could educate them on how CD is affecting you personally.I found my friends had lots of questions at first and answering them helped with any anxiety they had about going out with me.I knew little about IBD before so I am very patient when non-IBD people ask me questions.

I had trouble differentiating between being on top of this disease and obsessing about it.It is a life altering change we have to deal with and the lines can be blurred.I feel staying in touch with friends helps me put things in perspective.

Maybe if you let your friends know how you feel about going out,they will have some suggestions.Start slow and enjoy yourself.Know your limitations but don't let them stop you.I feel enjoying our life is as much a treatment plan as any medication.

I hope you have fun with your friends soon.Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the advice guys!

I've been having friends over mostly and going out to close places and staying out for only a little while. It's a bit problematic when you don't drive, but I'm changing that ha ha!

Things have been going ok, except in less than two weeks I'll be going to a wedding! And I'll be a bridesmaid! :dusty:
And while this would be a fantastic thing for normal people I'm freaking out about it! It's something that I'm worried I'm going to ruin because I'm sick. The venue is also outdoors (I've checked where the closest bathroom is) And I'm not sure how close it actually is going to be or reliable - it's a public bathroom - but I suppose a bathroom is a bathroom! :shifty-t:

I'm just worried I'm going to be sick on the day and ruin everything :/ making me the worst bridesmaid ever! :cry:
I know it's all a bunch of 'what-if's' going through my mind.
That's great you have been seeing your friends! Good for you for going out and socializing as well as inviting them over to your place.Hopefully this will build your confidence and show you can,with some forethought,have fun with your mates. :)

Wow,a bridesmaid at a wedding.Have you talked with your friend about your concerns? She asked you to be a bridesmaid so she must care and be a good friend.There are so many people on the forum,I bet there others who have gone through this.Maybe you could start a new thread specifically dealing with the jitters of being asked to be a member of a wedding party.You have two weeks,you might get some interesting feedback.Just a thought.

This might sound odd.If the wedding location is near by,maybe you could go and walk around the place before hand.Perhaps familiarizing yourself with the layout and going through some 'what ifs' scenarios in your head as you do so.When the wedding day arrives you may feel better prepared with less anxiety.Just throwing ideas out there.

There are adult undergarments if you are really nervous about not making it through the ceremony.It may sound extreme,but it is an option.
Do you mean sick as in nausea and vomiting? Or diarrhea? You should be able to get something over the counter to help nausea but I think that the suggestion of incontinence underwear is excellent if you are worried about bowel control. No-one but you will know that you are wearing it and it might give you the confidence that you need to get through the day without actually needing it. You need to find products that are specially made for fecal incontinence.

Also I take two Loperamide (Imodium) tablets before I go out if I think that I might end up in trouble.
Thank you for the advice Dave and Susan!

I'll definitely look into the underwear stuff and over the counter meds just in case.

Is there anything to stop the stomach pain? Because I find when that happens that's when I get anxious - though it's usually caused my anxiety anyway.

Urgh, this should not be stuff I have to think about. :/
Hi guys,

Just wanted to thank you for the advice. And the wedding went off without a hitch! wasn't sick or nervous or anything :dusty:

We had a rehearsal the day before and I was able to scope the place out while I was there - and a toilet was nearby which was a relief.

I took precautions and things like that on the day (I think I went overboard) but it meant I was ready for anything, and gave me the confidence to not chicken out!

Best part was I didn't worry about it, or let it cross my mind during the wedding. Such a relief! :ghug:
So good to hear! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and the day went well.I'm equally glad you know you can live your life and be the you you want to be...with a little extra planning,perhaps...but you can!

Great to hear that things went well. So happy for you.

Preparations, like finding out the location of toilets, and taking precautions are never too much if they give you the confidence to do the things that make you happy and feel more positive about your future. :hug:
Hey guys!

It's been a while, but I need advice/help/encouragement really.

So I've been going ok, I'm still on steroid medication and for the most part I've been feeling well. I do find however that when I get nervous or stressed that I feel sick - sometimes actually being ill because I've stressed about it so much - blah, blah, we all know how it goes.

Anyway, I've got a friend who wants me to go out tonight and I really want to go. However I'm worried (as per usual) that I'm going to be ill while I'm out.

I've been finding that this worry has stop my social life and it made me very....:boring: Anyway, I basically would love some encouragement from people who understand, so I can go out, have fun (though I won't be drinking) and just get out there more.

I should go, right? And try to forget about Crohn's for once.

*I thought I'd dig up my old post instead of making a new one.
Of course you should go! You can be sick later, life comes first, at least that's what I tell myself and usually it works. In time you'll get less anxious which in turn will give you fewer issues and there you are, you've cut through that vicious cycle.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Have fun tonight!