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Aug 16, 2013
Brother just started on this as finished on steroids and has been really ill....anyone on this drug? It's an immunosuppressant?
Yes there's lots of us here who've been on it. How long has he been taking it? Has he been having monitoring blood tests? What symptoms is he having?
Sorry to bombard you with questions, but people can have a bad reaction to it. If he's really very ill I would suggest going to A & E as I'm guessing you won't be able to call your GP or GI with the weekend coming up.
He started 3weeks ago, one pill a day first week was fine, 2 pills a day for second week was ok, then 3 pills a day for third week causes serious illness etc so told to stop and I am going with him to his hospital appt on tues.....yes he is having bloods taken every friday
He had severe nausea and diarrhoea and fatigue...his neighbour came to stay night as I live 3hours away
Norma, I'm sorry to hear that. It's good that someone has been able to stay with him til you can get there. A lot of people experience nausea and fatigue, especially when increasing the dose. The thing to watch out for is bad pain in the stomach and/or back. Some people develop pancreatitis as a side effect of the drug. If he's experiencing that I would go to A & E. If not, hopefully the sick feeling etc will improve now that he's not taking it and he can hold out till his appointment next week.
Let us know how he gets on and bless you for being such a supportive sister.
Thank you so much for your speedy responses! Will ask him about the back pain etc ....that's really helpful