Azathoprine and cravings

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mum with a dogdy tum
Oct 10, 2007
i was put on azathoprine last week and have had a craving for salt ever since. not neat salt, but salt and vinegar crisps or pretzels even tomatoe chutney. any ideas? or has anyone had the same?
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Nope, but I do have a lot of salt cravings on Pred. My naturopath said that is something to do with the adrenals and you can get low on salt so I actually drink some salty water at breakfast (yuck BTW). Apparantly it also helps when you wee alot with pred - maybe aza does this too?
hmm, i have had periods of salt cravings before. i dont remember associating it with any specific meds though.

shaz, this is so weird, when im on pred, i try to AVOID salt. my dr told me that salt adds to the water retention, making the moonface even worse. but your dr said that the extra salt helps you to pass the water instead of retaining it?? do you get very puffy?

welcome back btw, merr
Hey kello, it was a naturopath not doctor who suggested it. I haven't been at all puffy on pred (I grew the beard instead!!!) but I pee constantly and when you do that you also lose a lot of salt. IDK, I don't seem to have any water retention at all - I wish I could retain it for longer!
to answer questions, i was put on azathoprine because my anul stump wont stop bleeding and prouducing excess mucus. when i had a blood test yesterday the nurse said it was normal to crave salt!!!
I know nobody probably looks at this anymore but I got to say a giant THANK YOU!!!
I have been on aza for 3 months and I have just started to crave salt and I couldnt work out why so I looked it up and it led to thyroid problems and nothing seemed to make sence but now youve said its normal if your on aza and its such a relief! Thank you xx
Ahhh I've been on Aza for 9 months now and I was starting to wonder why I'm so into salt these days! I used to be the biggest salt eater ever, but my craving for it went away and now it's back. Ugh, if only there could be some sort of healthy (or at least less bad) salt substitute!