Back to Work Tomorrow

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Feb 25, 2009
Hello All,

As the evening comes upon me in good ol' Nova Scotia I am wanting less and less to start back to work tomorrow. :p

I have been off work since Dec 27 08 and have not been back....but tomorrow is my first half day... Whoo...I guess I would feel better about it if my bottom did not hurt....but it does...I had three fistulas during the last flare up where i was admitted for 12 that time I had a drain put in for a large fistula and it has healed...unfortunately tho the internal ones *2 small ones* are not completely healed but are however still draining which is good at least...when they aren't draining I will be worried again. :p

I just wish that 1.. It was not freezing raining outside right now and is not supposed to continue all night and tomorrow morning..UGHHHHH and 2. that my bottom was not so sore.

Three months off, going back and have my next infusion scheduled for Mar. 12th, and my 2 doctor appts (GI and Surgeon) are scheduled on the 18th of mar....which is great...but all that will tell me is if I need more surgery for the fistulas...I have to get a scope again which they have not yet scheduled in order to be able to know how much damage was done during my flare up...which I also do not know if it is over...ya know what I it sneaks up on you sometimes...

Well I guess I should have almost put this in the Venting sub thread...sorry about that everyone....I am just tired and thinking how much tired I will be by the end of the week...wish me luck. Will be on tomorrow to update on whether I fell on my @ss or if I survived the trek. :p
Good luck, Jamie... and vent away.
Where I work you can sometimes do a "phased return to work" if you've been off for a while... so you work short days for a couple of weeks and build up to a full time return. In theory, it's better to turn up for short days than not at all. Don't know if you could suggest that or not... or maybe do a bit of digging around your sickness policies when you get back.
Good luck, anyway!

I think thats what the doctor and HR were working on...but again I won't know until tomorrow. Here's to hoping and thanks. :) I definitely have to get very clear on how my doctor appts and infusions and all that will mix in with work...because I am going to my doctor appts and infusions regardless...I have to take those appts when I can get them...I can reschedule work things. :tongue:

Will update tomorrow.:smile: We'll see how things go...My stomach is killing me right now I know that.
Good luck and take it easy.

I'm in the middle of a winter storm as well driving the east coast here in the U.S.
Regarding fitting medical appointments in to work schedules. I work 4 days a week now (a lot of that is to do with the crohns, but obviously I get paid less). If it's reasonable, I'll try and fit appointments into my own time, or otherwise at the start or the end of the day. If I can't do that it's too bad... probably works out about 50/50. I keep a record of which appointments I've been on, and whether it's in my own time or not, in case the subject ever comes up. The main thing is to give the impression you're doing your best... however lousy you feel
Hey guys,

So I went in Monday.. half a day...
Tuesday got up..felt like I was dying so I went, got my blood tests done and then spent most of the day in bed...
Wednesday - I went in again today...feelin ok..sore and tired and my fistulas are draining like mad...but feel just tired...not like I'm dying. :p

I found out how the work hardening program works or whatever they call it... I am still considered on Short term disability...any time I am in I get paid the 100% pay obviously, and then the other half is 75% STD, so any days I just can't make it in go to Insurance...but that's all I can do...nice to know it doesnt take away from my sick days at least. :p May need them later on in the year. HOPING NOT..but we will see..

I want to get better so that they can schedule a scope and do surgery if they need to, to clear this up...but with the way my fistulas are going draining I just dont know...I see my doctor and my surgeon on the 18th so maybe they will do something about the other fistulas....we will see...I just cant justify being at home anymore...not if I can at least do half days and get something done...

(I am going stir crazy!!! PLUS my main reason in going back is that I am the INCOME in my household so 75% pay does not pay my bills...I need to make as much as I can...)

Here's to hoping my honey gets a job soon. *fingers crossed*