Bad Flare-up today

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May 30, 2010
I haven't had a bad flare-up in a while. Yesterday at work I started to really feel my guts hurting, then last night I had a dream that I was in a lot of pain and when I woke up the pain was still there. I stayed home from work hoping that the inflammation and pain goes away. Hopefully it goes away soon. I took my shot of Humira yesterday morning, some probiotics and some mineral oil last night but things are still feeling bad. Does anyone know if taking some prednisone will help? I haven't taken it in a while but I remember it helped a lot with inflammation. I'm also feeling hungry but I am afraid to eat and make things worse. I haven't talked to my doctor yet, I wanted to get an opinion from someone that actually has Crohn's.
I would check with your doctor before taking pred - that stuff is pretty strong and you really shouldn't be on it without your doc knowing. As far as eating, maybe try liquids or semi-solids - something like a supplement drink (Ensure, Boost, etc) would get some calories and nutrients into you without being too rough on the guts, or maybe applesauce or something along those lines would go okay. Depending on what you know you can eat, of course, and take it slow. I always go low-residue when my guts act up, so things like plain baked chicken or fish, white rice, pasta or white bread (if you can do gluten), potatoes (no skins), etc are usually pretty easy on my tummy. Bananas are good for some people too although they make my reflux act up so I avoid them. Hang in there and I hope you feel better very soon!
Hi. I would definitely check with your doctor before taking prednisone... I'm also on humira and every time I take my shot, I don't feel well for the next 1-2 days... Usually aches and pains as well as exhaustion.. I try to avoid prednisone as much as possible because the side effects are way too much for me to handle. I hope you feel better soon!
Maybe give it a frw days to settle i find my flares settle within 5 days if i watch my diet low residue and no grains or dairy but im always dairy free and take my supplements and do a bit of juicing and it settles by itself with no pred or other drugs

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