Bad spell

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Hello, sorry for my absence - have been having a really hard time recently but once I get over this bout I shall try and be far more active!

Haven't felt this awful since January, so feeling exceptionally sorry for myself at the moment. Went to bed feeling fine last night, to wake this morning to find my mouth completely ulcerated - quite small but many spotted over the gum line. I think I've got a spell of tonsilitis, as the back of my throat looks quite raw and swollen, yellowish tinge to it as well.

I'm just not used to this intense cramping, where haven't been able to move. Its directly under my ribs down the sides. Just working myself up getting completely distressed about it - haven't even got my referral through and asacol does absolutely nothing.

I'm trying to get some respite from it by knowing that many of you have suffered like this and got through it.
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aw sorry to hear you're going through such a horrid time, Elizabeth :(

this referral - is it your GP who is arranging it? if so, it might be an idea to let the GP know exactly how bad you are right now, and see if anything can be done to speed things up, or at least maybe the GP could try & figure out some meds to calm things down while you're waiting.

((big hugs)) - hope you feel better soon!