Been to the toilet too many times today!

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Staff member
Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Not sure what the heck triggered it, but I feel like I have taken a prep for a scope! Felt fine this morning, had my coffee....went to work and felt like I had to go...went to the bathroom and all liquid....I mean seriously - I have to work all day, including walking, and due to my lovely loss of muscle tone I managed to mess my pants a bit - WHILE out on a fire call!! Thankfully I wear dark pants, and had a bathroom there to use after the alarm was done....been using sanitary pads to catch any leakage, which is occurring regularly today...aarrgghhh!!!.....

No real pains to speak of, occasional twinges...I'm thinking it is something I ate, but I didn't have anything different/unusual.....

I have a concert to work tomorrow night - I hope I'm feeling better by then!!!
Ugh! That so sucks. I also use sanitary pads, better safe than sorry. Hopefully it is a one time thing and you can enjoy your concert without worry.
I drink coffee every day.....No issues.....I'm feeling a bit better, have run to the toilet in a couple hours, but again I didn't eat anything all day......
I haven't yet, although it did cross my mind. I really didn't eat anything today, had some seltzer, then lemonade with seltzer and sugar, and am sipping on a can of ginger beer.

Even better, I'm now running a temp! 100.0 on the nose....bought some tylen to take to get me through the evening, I'm working until @11pm. Ugh
Tylenol on board , temp is down. 15 minutes to show time ....working a concert - Pat Benatar is right down the hall from me right now.....
Thanks.....just took more Tylenol, temp crept back up to @101.4 by the time I got home....think I will be calling the doc in the morning!
At least you made it through the night!!! Sorry to hear that you're going downhill again though. Sending lots of hugs your way in the hopes you'll feel better soon...
I hope it's just a tummy bug and not a flare. I've heard that there have been some nasty rotovirus-type stomach bugs going around. Take care of yourself and feel better soon!
No temp all day, creeping up now, last clocked at 100.1.....

Did call the GI and went and had blood drawn.....need to provide some stool samples but that will be a challenge since I haven't really eaten and don't feel like eating either.....

Staying home tomorrow....blech