So my son (now an adult) moved from State A to State B. In State A, he had been on Remicade for >1 year. In State B, he had Remicade twice. My son decided he didn't want to live in State B, so moved back to State A precipitously 3 weeks ago.
As soon as he moved, I called his old GI doctor in State A and told the office that he would need Remicade the week of Xmas. I got records faxed to them from State B (labs, infusion notes). They made him get a new tb test even though he had one in Sept in the other state and they had the labs showing that.
27 calls (literally calling every day at least once!) and now 3 weeks since the first call and the insurance company still has not received a Remicade request from the GI in State A.
I am at wit's end. The insurance co (Aetna) says they can't begin the preauthorization process for Remicade until
1. they hear that he is no longer getting infusions in State B [We have asked State B doctor's office to call and say this but they haven't done it yet.] and
2. they get the request for infusion in State A [ I can't believe that the doctor's office hasn't requested it yet. The state A doctor's office says they can't request until the State B doctor cancels the order.]
Any ideas about how to expedite things?
My son will only be in the city of the old State A doctor for 2 days next week so if it doesn't happen then, it will be really really inconvenient.
As soon as he moved, I called his old GI doctor in State A and told the office that he would need Remicade the week of Xmas. I got records faxed to them from State B (labs, infusion notes). They made him get a new tb test even though he had one in Sept in the other state and they had the labs showing that.
27 calls (literally calling every day at least once!) and now 3 weeks since the first call and the insurance company still has not received a Remicade request from the GI in State A.
I am at wit's end. The insurance co (Aetna) says they can't begin the preauthorization process for Remicade until
1. they hear that he is no longer getting infusions in State B [We have asked State B doctor's office to call and say this but they haven't done it yet.] and
2. they get the request for infusion in State A [ I can't believe that the doctor's office hasn't requested it yet. The state A doctor's office says they can't request until the State B doctor cancels the order.]
Any ideas about how to expedite things?
My son will only be in the city of the old State A doctor for 2 days next week so if it doesn't happen then, it will be really really inconvenient.