Ehhhhh, I don't think that there's gonna be any "big difference"... Sure, there'll be slight differences, the plants can certainly be affected by production and environment. But if you buy the same strain from two different growers, the effects, benefits, and smell should still be very similar because each strain has its own genetically predisposed terpene and cannabinoid profie.
The best thing for anyone interested in MMJ is just to get out there and try different strains, because as bambamdilla said, "we can't tell you what'll pair best with your meal." Each of us are differently afflicted with Crohn's, and while my main course might be sharp pains and diarrhea with a side of insomnia and nausea, yours could be different. Unlike wine, though, a poor pairing in this case, would most likely still give you relief from your symptoms and even potentially help to reduce inflammation.