Bleeding after Remicade Infusions...

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Apr 13, 2012
Long Island NY
Hi Everybody! My 19 year old son just received his 12th infusion earlier this week and we have noticed that he, anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks after getting the drug?? The bleeding is small to moderate and is dark red/ usually stops after 2-3 bowel movements. He had an MRE 6 weeks ago that came back benign, showing absolutely no inflammation!
Just trying to figure out what this bleeding is. Trevor has infusions every 7 weeks because he gets symptomatic at about 6 1/2 weeks post infusion. Could it be that he actually has intestinal bleeding at 6 1/2 weeks (when he has some abdominal pain) and than receives infusion that will heal the bleeding lesions, and what we are seeing is old blood?? I don't know...anyone else's kids ever experience this. We see Trev's GE next week...I will mention it again, he didn't think it was anything to worry about at the last visit. Sorry, I know I have mentioned this in another post (mixed with my daughter's issues), it's just very frustrating, and he is alarmed when it occurs. Trevor is still on the standard starting dose of Remi..5mg/kg. Other than this, he tolerates Remi well, without any other complaints. Thanks! Kim
Sorry Kim to here about the bleeding.
Sorry I have no idea why.
I sure someone more wise than I can answer that one for you.

I can understand how that would be quite a worry! I have no experience with bleeding so no idea there, sorry. Hope you get some answers with the GI doc.
Hey Livilou,

We have no experience with Remicade or bleeding at our place but what you have said about the reappearance of symptoms and the timing of his infusions all seem to fit. The colour of the blood would also fit that time frame so I think you may well have found your answer.

Good luck with the appointment next week! I hope that it is easily explained away...:hug:

Please let us know how you get on.

Dusty. xxx
Hi Kim,

O is on Remicade and is a bleeder. Her GI was never overly concerned about the blood but did always want it reported. Her bleeding comes the last week before infusion and lasts a couple of days after but then disappears. Same pattern as your son 2-3 bm's then stops. If it is accompanied with soft bms to diarhea or stomach pain and lethargy he shortened schedule and up'd dosage. He also relied on blood results taken at infusions also. She is now at 5 weeks max dosage and still bleeding but her blood results look good so GI is not concerned.

Definitely mention it. Good luck.
