Blood after a BM????

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Apr 28, 2012
Grace has been off pred for 5 days and not doing so great:confused2:.

She's not drinking the formula (thank God for her n-g tube), her asthma is back, a cold has started, joint pains flaring and GRUMPY!

Twice while having a BM she had blood on the last piece of poo. No pain while she's passing it.

Have any of your kids have this? What caused it? :yrolleyes:
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Curious how you know there's blood at the end? When I bleed I didn't have any pain and wiped like usual yet saw all red then stood up and saw the toilet was all red. Are you saying that her stools are solid? Or is she using a "hat" and it looks like the blood pooled in only one spot? Does it look mixed in at all?

Either way time to give the GI a call so they can evaluate her if you haven't already.
Well Jennifer,:eek: most mom's to YOUNG kids have the privilege of being able to set tub side and watch the pooing in action. :cool2:

I had her go in a hat. Her poo is soft but not liquid.

We just did her labs today and turned in a stool sample for FC testing.
The GI will be called.

Do you mean blood on the tp? I'm with Jenn, I don't know what blood at the end means.
EJ has had numerous bloody stools. They have disappeared for long periods only to make a brief return then disappear again. I hope she's better soon FW!!
I can't put words in Jennifers mouth but I think I know where she was going. I would have asked some of the same questions before you said she went in the hat. :) If its at the "end" I think of it being on the tissue or the end of the piece of stool. We have aeen it at the wnd of stool in the past. Sometimes it means the blood is low down or could be a fissure or something (Dusty? MLP?).

Glad you dropped off the sample for FC.

Not bright red so maybe higher up? The fc test should be telling FW. I hope she isn't steroid dependent:(
Sometimes it means the blood is low down or could be a fissure or something (Dusty? MLP?).

Right. From what I've read is that if the blood is mixed in then you're dealing with bleeding from higher up (could still be the colon) yet having the blood separate may mean a fissure or hemorrhoid etc.
The oral pred she was on was also a treating her asthma. I would expect the asthma would need more treatment now she off pred.

Due to Sarah current long course of pred, she has been able to cut her asthma maintenance medication from 2 puff morning and night, to one 1 puff only per day. She is even starting to think she doesn't need to take any medication. We call this the pred effect.
We see bright blood from time to time. Lately its been like fluffy or stringy clots. Does that make sense to anyone? (Brian has sigmoid colon and rectum issues flaring right now. Seen in colonoscopy) There have been other times before this flare that there is a drop 'at the end' on top of everything, so I know what you mean. I don't always call cause the minute I do...then the next day its gone. Also sometimes I think its the stool causing the irritation.
Brian'sMom- Visible blood may be gone but there could still be traces which could be found in a stool test. I remember having to use a hat for every bowel movement for maybe 6 months or more after being hospitalized so my GI could keep track of how well my medication was working on top of having blood work done once a month. If I still had blood in my stool by using the test kits then my medication was adjusted.
Brians Mom: Our daughter has crohns in the sigmoid colon and rectal area as well. The fluffy or stringy clots sound like the mucous that often comes with the blood.
The Cortifoam has put a complete stop to her bleeding. The stool always caused irritation, but it was during a flare. Have you tried the foam?

Farmwife, could it be the start of a flare or has she been in one for a while?
Grace has been on full asthma meds now. Thanks Catherine

Hope345 - I was hoping that she was in remission by the end of pred. She was doing so well.
Now I don't think so.

Jennifer - I was thinking fissures or hemorrhoids too. I'm just surprised she's not in pain pushing....yet.

Brian'sMom - Grace also can have problems one day and gone the next. It makes me feel batty.

So here we are at 2:13 am. She's suffering with her cold and cramps. Poor girl. If this is a virus I pray it passes soon.

If the GI puts Grace on Budesonide, will this be as fast acting as Pred?
A has had to go back on her daily inhaler for asthma as well (after being off of it for well over a year). I noticed an improvement in her symptoms after 4-5 days of starting and a resolution of symptoms after 2 full weeks. Perhaps it can take as long as 4-6 weeks but that hasn't been our experience.
I also have no answers but wanted to send my best wishes to her. My son has had this happen when he was coming off prednisone but it didn't continue. Sometimes it is hard to get off that stuff. He does occasionally have blood but when he is in an actual flare the bleeding is pretty continuous. Hopefully this is not the case with your daughter. Take care.
Entocort takes longer than Prednisone to start working (some have said up to 3 weeks). Problem with Entocort is that it only treats the ileum and/or the ascending colon. If she has issues further down in her colon then it will not work for her.
Jennifer - Uceris isthe new Entocort formulation that's supposed to help the "further down". I think it is making a difference for Claire.

O.K. I have been away for awhile and maybe missed something but if these symptoms are IBD related and I understand you don't have a full for real definitive diagnosis...yes prednisone will calm things down but if you do not have a maintenance med when prednisone is removed back come the symptoms. So, I am hoping the GI takes a close look at things here because there is obviously something going on that needs to be addressed.

Unless of course these symptoms are related to the EGID or EGE stuff then disregard the above.

Yeah, O used to bleed off and on all the time. Now only occasionally. GI not too concerned with her bleeding unless it continues for days and is accompanied by increasing softer poo....but that is just O.
Her maintenance med was going to be her EEN until we could get enough food for her to live on.
Seeing that she will be doing EEN for awhile the GI and us were happy to try to avoid the bigger drugs if only for awhile.
He also said if this doesn't work :)confused2:which it's not) then Budesonide and 6mp. CarolinAlaska and EthanClark were hoping to do the same with EEN.

Even my hubby said ask about Uceris.

The GI called and said he would like to wait 2wks and see how it goes. By then the surgery would have taken place or close to it. I think he just doesn't want her on steroids for her surgery. Also he said pull all foods. So the chicken (that's the ONLY food she's passed) will have to go. I don't care what he says..... I'm keeping her Smarties!:cool2:
I know she loves smarties but the reality is it could be causing an issue - more than one EGID kid has reacted to food dyes etc....

never easy
Ya, I stopped giving those out as much. She only has one after a blood draw.

OK for the sake of my girls health I'll eat them all!:confused2: It's a hard job us mom's have!:ylol:
Definitely don't want to hog the thread, but thought that this was a good place to post a poo question, lol. A just had some very soft stool and the last bit that came out was sticky and black. Like tar. A completely different consistency and color than the rest. The rest was a dark brown color, definitely not black. What the heck was the black tarry stuff?
Grace had that and we called the GI but they told us we could wait because it was old blood.
Keep an eye on it. Have her go in a hat so you can get a sample.
She was in a lot of pain last night and this morning but seems fine now. She has her pill cam tomorrow morning so hopefully they can spot the problem then! We've had red blood rather frequently lately but this black stuff is freaky looking.
Ugh! I'm late again! :redface:

@FW - I agree with what has been already been said about the blood. Blood that coats the stool like Grace's has or is noticeable after passing faeces means that it is from the anus or low down in the rectum.

@DanceMom - Yes, black tarry stool, also called malaena, is from bleeding higher in the GI the small bowel and/or stomach/oesophagus. Please be sure and make mention of it to the people doing the pill cam and let your GI know. It sounds as if the amount was small? If so you can afford to wait and see, however should she pass a whole decent sized motion that is fully malaena then she needs to be seen to as this would indicate a sizeable bleed.
I assume she isn't on iron supplements?

Dusty. xxx

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