Blood complications with crohn's

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Alright- 43 yrs old. Diagnosed when I was 7 at Johns Hopkins Childrens Hospital. So 36 years. Two resections and lots of ER visits. Lots of depression n lots of pain. Oct 2007 got sick and was admitted to hospital for 2 weeks. Ever since then I have had low white blood counts(friday 2.3), hemoglobin 8.8, platelets 70, red counts down. Anyone else having any of these? I have liver complications "I believe" was caused by the large dossage of immuran (200mg a day) for 8 years. They did a bone marow biopsy two years ago and said I didnt really have bone marow....just mush...the stuff that happens right before you get cancer. So I have been working with a cancer specialist also. Company I worked for put me on disability then eliminated my job...along with that my benifits. Lucky my wife was able to pick me up...but medical bills rule my life as much as my crohns, fatigue, pain, I need to go on or are we all at that broken record point? not sure how many more needles and proceedures I can endure...ever done that bone marow biopsy? You'll get through it but you will never forget it either...its been two years...its time for another. They may not brake your body but they can sure brake your spirit
john c
Port Charlotte, FL
hi John. your story is heartbreaking.. to think of Crohn's getting you from such a tender age, and your struggles since.

i haven't been on imuran, and i don't have the bone marrow issue, nor - and i know i am lucky - do i have the constant strain of funding my own health care. i'm in the UK, and as much as we moan about the NHS service sometimes, it is wonderful and i never forget to appreciate it.

but - none of that stops me knowing how it feels to be depressed over what Crohn's has done, and is still doing, to me, my life, and my body - break your spirit is how you put it, and yeah i know how that feels.

a warm welcome, John.. here you will find friends, support, and maybe some advice too.
Welcome to the forum... your story is really a sad one. I am allergic to imuran and they tried other immunosuppressants and they affected my liver. Along side of heriditary and Crohns's side effects, it is not fair to endure that kind of problems with your body. We all have at some point had issues we have a hard time dealing with and depression is very common. I have had 2 resections, total 2ft gone and I was headed for a 3rd but it settled with VSL#3 and the odd antibiotic. I watch my diet, and I too have had crohns symptoms from 15 yrs old but not dx until 32 and that was many years ago. Hang in there, I really dont know how to help you to feel better, but there is alot of support here, and you can ask us any questions if we can help. Take care.

I really appreciate the responses. Yeah...I have heard the UK is pretty good about getting people help...thats great. I mean.... I know that there are other people out there struggling with crohn's..its just that at times you feel like the only one. Sitting in the waiting room to the Florida Cancer Specialist I have older people looking at me with pitty in their eyes, yet I think... they have it so much tougher than me. About the time I am feeling so bad I see somebody from the military coming home from the war missing a leg or arm...and I am like wow...they have to change their whole way of life and they are barely 20 have lived with this its no big change...just a constant battle. I guess I have not come to a site like this because I figured, what good can it really do? But now I realize- its sharing the pain that we are not alone. We may not be neighbors but we reside all over the world and fight it the best way we know how. So thank you for your responses, it may not take away the pain but mentally it makes me stronger, it helps my broken spirit.

john c
:welcome: john...I must have missed this post some how...How are you doing?? Sometimes the mental fatigue is worse than the physical pain...Don't give up!!!! I am glad you posted here...There are plenty of supportive people here, also tons of laughs. I hope you stick around so we can get to know you more.
I missed the post somehow too John - WELCOME!! We are so glad that you have found us. I'm so sorry you are going through this with your blood counts. It sounds like it must be from the meds? I hope that they can figure out something to do that will fix you up. Meanwhile - pull up a log at the campfire here - we are all roasting marshmallows and talking about how much we just l-o-v-e Crohn's disease :O) We'd love to try and help raise your spirits buddy!

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