Boils and hot flushes

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Jun 29, 2010
hellp im new here and im still waiting for my colonoscopy in few weeks so not sure what problem is yet.
but now seem to be experincing even more odd things
i have a huge boil eww sorry but its in my groin area (never had them b4) and keep goin very very hot . im breakin out in sweats. feel bit grose atm.
does anyone get this?
tra xx
There was about 2 years where I would get some nasty boils. They would start out as hard cysts under the skin and then get the infection where they turned red and really hot. I had to get them drained, and eventually ended up having surgery to get a few removed b/c they would just keep coming back.

I hope you find out what is wrong soon!
I have about 13 of them right different states of swelling... all over my groin and pubic area.... different opinions from different doctors :rolleyes:... but after 4 years of treated with IV antibiotics on and off, some one has finally sent me to a surgeon, who believes they may be fistulas. So at the end of the month (july) he is going to put me under sedation and poke one...see if it goes anywhere....

I have tried EVERYTHING... IV antibiotics...Remicade...topical antibiotics....even Accutane (which seems to help, but causes other diarrhea...) .... the only thing that gives any kind of real relief is steroids...but the minute I stop the steroid...the sores come back....

SO... to answer your yes, I get them...but I have no clue what to do about them.

Maybe your colonoscopy will show something, but I would definitely bring them up to your doctor...and keep an eye on them... (my very first one showed up about 15 years ago.... been battling on and off with them ever since...)

I hope you find some answers.....
I don't have boils but I have tons of HUGE zit type things on my arse. Lovely.

And I get hot flashes all the time. Bad. Hormone tests confirm I am not in menopause.

I blame it all on the prednisone!

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