Budesonide-can't taper much now

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Jul 2, 2013
I've got a bit of a problem... I take budesonide and asacol and I have moderate Crohn's that I had symptoms of since about last year. I've been taking 3 budesonide per day for I don't know how long (I'm guessing about a month or less) but I just read the paper and saw that I had to taper down after 3 weeks. Very stupid mistake, I think I forgot it the first time my doctor told me. I have 19 pills left, how should I taper this? Should I go straight to 1 pill a day, or do 2 pills a day for a few days and then do 1 pill a day? I can't refill it and if there isn't a safe solution I can tell my doctor but he won't be happy.
Hi guitar8563 and welcome to the forum! :D

First off, you really should contact your doctor as they can write you another prescription if they feel you need it.

Entocort isn't the same as Prednisone and has a decreased risk in adrenal suppression. Meaning that you may not need to taper to avoid Adrenal Insufficiency/Crisis. Yet since there is a small risk its best to take it as prescribed.

"Adrenal suppression and glucocorticoid-related adverse effects have been reported at lower rates in patients treated with budesonide compared with prednisolone." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14519035

I've taken it for 3 months with no taper and was fine. Yet the other matter to consider is that your symptoms may return if you stop it too soon. Either way you need to contact your doctor and let them know your situation no matter how upset they may be over it, they'll still do their job.

Edit: I'm not sure if you're GI prescribed it or your general practitioner but if your GI isn't willing to work with you then go to your GP.