I was started on Entocort last week, and noticed today that I have started coming up in a rash, like little red pin pricks all over my knees and which is now spreading, should I worry.
Can't say, haven't been on Entocort/Budesonide. What does the fact sheet on it say? While on Imuran, I developed an allergic reaction, rash on legs & lower back which resembled chickepox (small red pox). Then within days much pain.
I dunno if my situation has any connection to yours, but if it were me, then I'd check out the drug manufacturers website, etc., for side effects, reactions etc.
I was on Entocort for quite a while without too much reaction - Imuran was a different story could not tolerate that. Does your GP have a nurse you could talk too? Good luck
I've been on Entocort for a week now - first time, just really diagnosed a couple of weeks ago. So far no issues, and no feeling better but it is too early to tell about that at this point. Will keep you posted if I grow a second head or anything else odd.
I have microscopic collagenous colitis which causes very frequent and 'sand like' BMs and the only treatment that has worked is Entocort. Its a miracle drug and I am back to 'normal' in 24 hours and I have had no side effects. I take 3 per day for two months, 2 for a month and then 1 for a month. Have done this regiment twice and unfortunately only stay in remissionfor about for about 7 weeks. I started taking one per day when I flared again last week and am doing pretty well. Go back to doc in June and wondered if anyone has tried this one per day as a maintenance regiment. I would take one per day for life if it would stop the awful flares. Thanks for any advice
Unfortunately tbenton, it is a steroid just like prednisone and isn't recommended for longterm use as far as I remember. The good news is it targets the terminal illeum specifically for absorption so you can take it longer with fewer effects, but you should discuss that option with your doctor. Be sure to take calcium supplements to ensure you prevent bone density loss if you are taking 1 a day. There might be some other options that your doctor can find if you have finally discovered something that works that as far as long term effects aren't quite as nasty as the steroids. Glad to hear it works though!
The rash is one side effect of Entocort. I have been on off and on for quite some time and fortunately no side effects at all. Its been a miracle for me but I do not stay in remission long after tapering off it so my future will surely include this medication for the rest of my life. Whatever works!
How much do you guys typically pay for Entocort? I have insurance and pay about $50 a month for Azacol (4 pills a day)... not sure if that gives you an indicator of how good my insurance is?
Overall though... is it expensive? I'd love to get off prednisone!
Entocort is very expensive. I had nice RX copay until this year and now have huge deductible but have quite a supply from last year so will have enough thru this year I hope.