Colds with Skyrizi

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
I got my first cold with Skyrizi and my third and last infusion is this coming Thursday July 7th. Wasn't terribly happy to come down with this and now I got my husband sick as well. Not sure what this stuff is. Started with a very sore throat, feeling weak and not being able to breathe. Later, the cough came and am doing my best not to have it turn into Bronchitis.

This fun stuff pretty much started this last Monday night, Tuesday morning and not sure what this stupid stuff is. Should I be worried about it for my infusion on Thursday? I sure hope none of you get this and hope you keep healthy!!!
Can’t say for you other than contact your Gi
I can tell you my kiddo is on Stelara
When he has had a cold he has not had to hold biologics
When he had COVID he only had to wait until his breathing was better (he has asthma as well )
Any fever and he has to wait 48 hours fever free before he can take any biologics
Any antibiotics needed then he has to wait at least 48 hours (feeling better ) before taking biologics

definitely talk to your Gi
Every doc has different rules

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