Bug Bites? Infection? Remicade?

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Jun 5, 2012
It has happened again! Just got home from vacation and Jack has several spots on his leg that appear to be infected. He has a infusion scheduled for Wednesday. Do I need to cancel? I have calls into both GI and GP. I'm worried as we were in such a good place last year and July and bug bites/infection hit and everything went to hell. So I'm terrified to give him antibiotics, he is doing so incredibly well on remicade, I'm afraid to miss/delay the infusion and I just feel like cussing a lot and a whole bottle of wine!
this is what it looks like worried about the ones on either side of his leg that appear more swollen/red and have a black center with what looks like puss under neath


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Oh no! Sorry no experience with bug bites, but I really hope everything works out. I would definitely get the GP to take a look if you can.

Fwiw we've delayed M's infusion by a couple of days several times and it doesn't seem to have made a difference, especially when she was doing well on Remicade. How frequent are his infusions?

Good luck and sending hugs:ghug:
Do you have muripursin?
All cuts ir bug bites get that three times and always covered.

That said DS got cellulitis while on remicade
Have muripisin but it is a couple of years old, I have put a OC triple anitbiotic on it. GP can't get him in till Wed. morning which is also his infusion. GI called back and said let's keep appointment and he will take a look and rx antibiotics and will call upstairs (GP on the floor above him) if needed would like to treat topically if he can since the anitbiotics threw us for such a loop last year. Had me draw a line around them to see if they get bigger/smaller. He just left for his first driver's training class, YIKES!
GI thought we would still be able to do infusion unless infection goes systematic and fever starts, so I'm to watch until Wed. morning and you all know how patient I'm not. Just want to fix, NOW!
Couldn't hurt. We've used mupirocin and bacitracin on the dread SOUO (sores of unknown origin :) my new abbreviation) with good luck.

I hope you can get it cleared up!!!

For Grace we use a triple antibiotic and as long as it's weeping we keep it covered. She's had cellulite twice, so we go a bit overboard.

I hope it heals quick.
I hope his bug bites clear up soon and everything goes good for him today! Nathan goes for his infusion on Friday morning.
Infusion almost done, big bite abscessed, so they cut open to drain. Took some ick from it to culture, should have those results tomorrow. Picking up antibiotics on the way home, have some vsl3 from GI to give with antibiotics. If it's not draining or gets worse then he will call the ped surgeon to open up farther and fix.
Yikes, did he get those from camp or from where you guys went after camp? I hope it doesn't get worse and the antibiotics work quickly for him.
He says from camp but I didn't see him for 3 days after camp and they were there but just looked like mosquito bites one day and giant pus filled Yuck the next
They actually look like the bites my middle daughter gets with a mosquito bite allergy.

The only way we can stop their development is to use allergy meds as soon as she is bitten. Otherwise they develop into big red lumps and then get infected.
Love his heart. YUCK! I know you must be worried. Thinking positive that it's an uber-nasty bug bite that will heal quickly with the abx. Glad he was able to get his Remicade!

My daughter also gets infection/cellulitis with bug bites when she is immunocompromised. I freak out everytime because MD's always want to put her on oral antibiotics, and Liv also has a history of c-diff.
We keep bactroban on hand at all times...it is the only thing that resolves infections from bites! Good luck! Kim
Same here DS had cellulitis once - after that ped gave strict instructions bactroban on all cuts or nicks until they heal -three times a day .
Going to talk to GP about refilling/rewriting the Mupirocin script from several years ago. It looks worse but better today. The swelling is smaller but the open wound is just nasty looking but it's still draining. Haven't gotten culture results yet, but blood work came back and his ESR is at 15 which is at the high end of normal (0-15), we were curious as to what it would show since as you know his are always in the normal range
Big giant F-Bomb! Just got results from final cultures - MRSA positive. New antibiotic with high chance of c-diff recurring. He needs to take 3 times a day. I'm to give a probiotic a few hours after morning dose and few hours after afternoon dose and start VSL3 immediately when we finish 10 day course in hopes of warding off c-diff. Of course we are to call immediately if we notice any symptoms.
I need a glass of wine or rather I think a bottle. Maybe even a straight shot of tequila.
Why is it when we get to a good point where he is growing and gaining something happens to flush it down the toilet.
DS stayed on the prescription double strength vsl 3 the entire time he was on abx pharmacist gave us time frames but said it was fine .
It really helped keep his stool normal .
Is there a reason he is not taking the stronger stuff
We did twice a day for over a month
GI just felt that antibiotics would kill most of it off and since it's expensive he thought it would just be better to wait until he is off the antibiotics to do the strong stuff and hopefully the oc stuff would keep enough good stuff to keep him stable.
I'm so sorry this had to happen when he had made such great gains. Fingers crossed that the antibiotics work and c-diff can be avoided and he gets back on track soon.
Ugghh!! :voodoo: :ymad: :voodoo: Sending lots of hugs and good vibes that it clears up with no c-diff complications!!!
Ugh:ymad:, so sorry to hear about the MRSA and need for antibiotics.

For what it's worth, M got CDiff after being on antibiotics last November, then flared because of the CDiff and we had to up her dose of Remicade. By February, when we did scopes, everything looked really good (except some mild inflammation in TI).

So maybe (hopefully!!) it won't completely screw things up for your son. Hang in there and have many glasses of wine!:hug:
Yes, Maya that is what I'm afraid of.
GI suspects that MRSA was present last year with cellulitis from bug bites which he took antibiotics for which lead to c-diff which lead to a flare from Aug-Dec when we started remicade in the first of January. Just afraid we are heading down the same road.
We did not have things cultured last year but GI thinks MRSA has probably been present in his system since then. He will do a swab test inside nose to test for MRSA presence when we have our next infusion to see if we have killed it off.
We did probiotics right after M was done with antibiotics - vsl 3 I think. I think it really helped! Upping the dose of Remicade when M flared also REALLY helped.
Thanks I have 8 days of VSL3 in the fridge now for when he is done and just crossing my fingers that no c-diff occurs. Of course we upped his dose of remicade and we were going to see if we could make it to 8 weeks this time.
I am so sorry to hear about MRSA, that is no fun but hopefully all will clear quickly and easily. I don't know if the doctor told you but make sure to inform the nurses at the infusion center that he just got over MRSA when you go next time. They take extra precautions because of all the immunocompromised patients that come through infusion centers.
Yikes, poor Jack. That sucks it turned out to be MRSA hope it clears quickly and he doesn't get the C-Diff. How is he doing now? Are the sores healing up?
Sore is looking really good, healing nicely, thank you for checking in. We are 1/2 through the antibiotics. Haven't updated because I don't want to jinx it. He takes his antibiotic and 2 hours later takes a probiotic. He has 8 days left of Driver's Education and I just got a new car which he is just begging to drive. He still has 6 months/50 hours of driving with a licensed driver before he gets his official drivers license.
Glad it's going well. Scary when they get to driving age! :) Pity you can't wrap the car in bubble wrap.
Glad to hear he is healing! Hope it continues fast , driving she is so scary I agree with that. Caitlyn doesn't want to drive yet and I am super glad about that.