Burst Abscess again...fatty tissue protruding this time!

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May 29, 2012
Pretty frustrated. My son's 7th abscess filled up within 24 hours and burst through the night. No evidence of infection. He has been on co-amoxiclav/metrin repeatedly and now vomits after tking them as he now hates the taste. We are still awaiting diagnosis but GI consultant thinks it is Crohn's.
This morning when I checked it, I noticed about 5mm of internal tissue protruding through the 'hole' left from the rupture.
Went to children's hospital today to be told an emergency op wouldn't be needed as no pus is left. Surgeon stated that the fatty tissue may heal in a few days or may get worse. We have a date to go in for colonoscopy and possible surgery if indicated on the 21st so they want to wait until then.
So the saga continues.:yrolleyes:
Has anyone had any experience with recurrent abscesses, especially with exposed fatty tissue?
Your poor son! :( Sorry, I have no experience or advice re the abscesses. But, I hope the abscess heals up and you can get some definitive answers from the scope! :ghug:
Yikes! Sorry no experience here but thanks for posting so we can all learn from you. I hope it gets better and you can hold out for the 21st.
I am so sorry for all that your son and yourself are having to go through, I'm afraid I have no advice either - just fingers crossed for answers on the 21st, and hope he can stay as pain free as possible until then - thinking of you both xx
Hi, sorry your son is going through this! I have been there and got the t-shirt, and it's not fun. My son is still dealing with his abcess and fistula which are still draining "stuff" however about 3 weeks ago he also had a small bit of fatty tissue protuding out of the skin - I nearly freaked! :(
After much phoning and complaining about it, my paediatrician (he's great) forced the surgeon/GI to have a look. They were all for leaving it but I refused as my son was in a great deal of pain with it and it made wiping after the toilet very painful. They operated that night - got rid of the fatty tissue and cleaned out the abcess and he was alot more comfortable after that.
I would say leave it if it's not causing more pain - but if it does bother him, just keep insisting they do something!! Good luck, hope it gets sorted soon - if you can get to Yorkhill and see Mr Walker he really is quite nice.
Thanks guys.
Sascot..isn't it weird our kids are going through such similar stuff and we are so close geographically? Thanks for the advice re: fatty tissue...will definately push it if he is really sore. Wiping is a big issue already but then it has been since April with the 5 abscesses! Its Mr Walker that will be in theatre with Dr Russell on the 21/22 so should meet him then. As much as I don't want my son to have any kind of op...I am keen to get answers and hopefully some solutions. i am learning some lessons on patience through all this that's for sure!
I just don't understand how these surgeons and Drs can just be so happy to leave these poor kids in pain - if it were them or their own kids Im certain it would be a different story - as a mother you shouldn't have to fight just to get your child the medication\ surgery\ treatment that will help him\ her become pain free - it should be the standard aim of any Dr to ensure that all their patients are given all the treatment they need no matter what. - Rant over and big hugs to both your families!! xx
Hey Gainzie,

I'm sorry to hear that your boy is going through this. :(

I agree with Sascot. :) Although Matt never had the same issue as such he did did have a percutaneous drain in for 3 months which had a protrusion of fatty tissue out the side of it. I monitored him/it for pain, infection and/or change in size, if any of these changed then I was going to have him seen to.

Good luck! I hope it doesn't cause any problems, bless him...:hug:

Dusty. xxx
WOW I'm learning so much from this forum. It scares me a little.
I do hope he gets better. Remeber push the doctors for help IF you have to.
Your doing a good jod, even if you don't feel like it. Hang in there!
