C Diff and contagion

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Aug 10, 2013
Daughter tested positive for C diff this week after being neg in August and September. She started Vancomycin 4 times /day yesterday and has had 8 doses now. How long is she very contagious for? Her only symptom is some blood in her stool; the guidelines say till the diarrhea leaves but she has had that since May and although better it isn't going away yet. She feels great and was at a social Friday evening and would like to join us for an aunt's 95th birthday party tomorrow but taking her into a nursing home? :confused2:

C-diff is Very contagious. I personally would not bring her around her 95 year old aunt. I mean at the age of 95, I would think it would be better not to expose someone that age to C-diff. Also, make sure you are bleaching down everything( toilets, bathroom surfaces, etc..) each time your daughter uses the bathroom. This is how it is really spread. I also read somewhere that C-diff is contagious as long as the person has it and is testing positive for it....

Oh, and also, is your daughter taking probiotics as well? This is Very important. There are two that are especially suppose to help with C-diff, one is called florastor and the other is called Lactobacillus GG. Another thing to know is that if your daughter ever has to take antibiotics, she needs to be taking probiotics as well. I have had to be on low dose antibiotics for a long time to prevent the UTI's I get and I take high doses of probiotics daily in order to help prevent C-diff and other issues. I hope you daughter feels better and gets rid of it soon.
Thanks, I kept daughter home, and will clean the bathroom again with bleach solution. For the first time ever I wish we had as many bathrooms as people in the house. :lol:

And she is on Florastore.
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