C Diff?

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Nov 12, 2011
Tell me what you guys think...

I was at a friends house on Friday and used their bathroom. Today, three days later my friend calls and says her son tested positive for c diff. Since last Friday I've been feeling off. Cramping, upset stomach, nauseous, but no diarrhea or loose stools or anything. Cramping is probably the worst symptom but, even that isn't horrible or anything, just uncomfortable.

What is the likelihood I might have contracted c diff? Is it possible? What should I watch for? Does it incubate? Or would I know right away?

Of course I've run the worst case scenario through my mind a million times. I catch c diff from my friend, I pass it unknowingly on to DS and it all goes to hell from there. Please tell me I'm just being stupid and paranoid...
Grace had it and none of the rest of us got it.
One bathroom, she was 2, she slobbered and spit up and teethed on every toy and we still never got it. THANK GOD!

Call the GI or your GP and tell them.
I always thought about doing a round of antibiotics early if there was a chance I would get it. But my thinking may be flawed.
I agree with Farmwife. I would ask to get tested. When D got it none of us got it either, but there are firsts for everything. At least mention it to the GP.
I would tend to agree, call the doc and get some answers. When Jack had it I was terrified hubby would get it as well and that they would just keep passing it back and forth but no one else got it. Hope it's nothing and you feel great soon.
Hope it's nothing, but worth getting checked. Unfortunately this disease makes us all paranoid!
I have been totally "OOGED OUT" with LJ having c diff & our 2 month ordeal with it all. I was very concerned being the caregiver/cleaning person and being compromised because I'm on MTX for RA. My doc said he understands my concerns being compromised but even at that it is very unlikely that I would get it using decent hygiene. Since you literally need to ingest a c diff spore, possible but not likely. His take is that there is no need to test unless you have D plus cramps.
My though is If you really feel like it's possible & it's making you crazy, then tell the doc you want tested.
Peace of mind can be priceless!
I'm blaming chia seeds for my crampiness. I'm fine today after skipping my morning dose of chia seeds, but felt pretty yucky all weekend. I don't know what I was thinking. I re-added them to my diet on Friday and didn't even consider that I might need to gradually build up again instead of dumping a whole tablespoon on my oatmeal. Doh!

This weekend was an eye opener though. A reminder that this is what DS feels like x100 when flaring.

I chatted with my friend whose son has the c diff right now. He's going to school for half days when he feels well enough. Is that safe? For him or for others?
Glad you're feeling better! :thumright: I don't know much about c.diff. so don't know if it's safe for the boy to go to school or not but, is he at the same school as your son? If yes, I would tell your son to stay away from hiim :eek: and to wash his hands/use wipes if he does come into contact with him for a little while. Better safe than sorry!

These situations are so frustrating... was at a birthday party a few weeks ago and one woman came with open sores on her hand from shingles - and she thought nothing of it!!!! I whispered to S to stay away from her! :lol: But, thought it was really inconsiderate as she knew there were THREE kids there on remicade (sad comment isn't it!! and this wasn't even a crohns support group!) and the hostess was waiting to start chemo!!! :ymad:
The boys are at different schools, thankfully.

What in the world are people thinking? Is it just stupidity? Selfishness? I ran into a friend at my other son's recital and he was in the early stages of shingles. When he started talking about his shingles I instinctively took a step backward. He looked at me like he was hurt and offended. He had no idea! :ybatty:
When D had c diff she was given orders she could go back to school. I was shocked. They said the same thing, unlikely someone could get it, have to injest the spore, be immune compromised, etc. We waited until she was on antibiodics for 5 days and then she went to school. If D ever gets it again I will do the same & keep her home. Crossing my fingers it doesn't happen again! I too would have ooged out!
I hate to say this about shingles but unfortunatly doctors are way to casual about it. They tell people you are fine to be out in public even with open sores. I am saying this from personal experience. I was under a lot of stress when I was in the military. I got shingles and my doctor did not write me out from work or even from direct patient care. I worked with pregnant women! I spoke privately with my supervisor and she decided after much convincing on my part that maybe it was a good idea to give me an alternative duty for the week and avoid patients.
Two of my kids had not had chicken pox and guess what?
Both caught it from my having shingles even though we were super careful and they were on my back where there was no way they came into direct contact with it. I was even on the medication to prevent it spreading within two hours of it starting! (I knew what it was Immediately and so saw a doctor right away) So you guys are absolutely right about being extra cautious about these things. You just never know!
Wow, that surprises me about what they tell people with Shingles Kim. :(

It is indeed a disease not to reckoned with for certain contacts, as you have said.

Dusty. xxx
It is a live vaccine so not suitable for those on immunosuppressants.

I know here the vaccine is generally only recommended to those over 60 due the neuralgic type pain that frequently occurs in this age group following the Shingles infection.

Having said that, I would likely give it if the situation was right since the chickenpox vaccine is a recommendation if you aren’t already immune to it.

Dusty. xxx
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Hijack away!

In the US, I believe it's a live vaccine as well, so it's a no go for us. What's unfortunate is that it's heavily advertised and you can walk into almost any pharmacy and get one with out consulting your doctor.