Hi there, I have been told by many doctors and specialists that the best antibiotic to treat an infection in my perianal abscess is Flagyl. It is the most effective and works the fastest. Only problem is, I am allergic to it!! I can take a stat dose, but cannot take multiple doses because my joints start hurting, and even start swelling. The doctors don't understand how this happens, and every time I'm in hospital the nurses ask me the same questions (name, d.o.b, allergies). When I say Flagyl the ask "why?" and I say it gives me joint pain and joint inflammation.
All the doctors I have seen give me the same puzzled look. They have never heard of this before. But it has been proven in me more than once. I've taken it via IV and via tablets, and each time it has caused extreme joint pain. When I was on it for an extended period of time, my right kneecap expanded to the size of a mini basketball and I couldn't walk on it for days. It actually prolonged my hospital stay by a week and I had to be on crutches for over a month as I couldn't walk on my right leg.
That's been my experience with Flagyl.